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Welcome to this discussion thread. As the name suggests, this is for any discussion related to a website/game called NationStates, which is a nation management game with a satirical twist, a bustling and active forum, fun region activities, and more. You can use this thread to discuss how your NS nation does, as well as what happens in the NS Forum, including its RPs.

So first for my NS account, it's The Federation of Kendor. Just to note for the Indonesians here, Kendor was actually imagined as a made-up medieval European sounding word when I first made my account, because I established it more than 5 years ago when I was admittedly one month away from being 12.
OK, this interests me. Just made a nation.
Oh, right, you can find my nation here.
I've got 2 nations: Hellaflylandia and East Ruzechistan. Hellaflylandia's my main one that's (mostly) based on my actual beliefs while East Ruzechistan is just a shitpost-y dictatorship.

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

I had like six shitposty dictatorships but I'm pretty sure they're all dead, judging by how long it's been since I've logged into them. Derping's my main nation.
[Image: bb0ecb42111c57f72c68ae22416ffcb828b3ff47.gif]
In which I take away choice from my citizens, because I'm much more qualified than them to turn this nation into a functioning country. We promise to fix the severe social conservatism problem, (preferably with more authoritarianism), but really, we're just here to muddy the waters over who has the rights to the Chad-Romania Tricolor.  Presenting, for your viewing... NationStates | The Dictatorship of Westenhald.

Woo politics!
I am the They who says it!
I'm the proud leader of the Smegging Groovy Federation of Cheyland, where our flag and religion are David Dixon, the citizens are called Smegheads, the national animal is Eevee, and the currency is the Biscoff cookie.
decided to give this another go

welcome to the Jingoistic States of... Stingoistic Jates! careful not to knock over any anarchy symbols on the way in
To be honest, I've never heard of it before - But from what I can see, it looks partially to be the sort of game I'd enjoy.

After doing some research, I've decided to give it a go. Thankfully, I need fear not the possibility of being attacked, though I'd like some time to set up my region before sharing it.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
"Ah, what a lovely day" Quoth the wild Florien. Little did they know that they were going to go from making "A nation recently that recently started hearing about this funny 'civil rights and liberties' thing and wants to find out what that's all about while keeping their dictator in power because changing the whole system of government is kind of hard, y'know?" and switch to "FUCK IT, THE OUTSIDE WORLD IS FAKE, NO GOING OVERSEAS, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS OTHER COUNTRIES!"

So, long story short, dealing with the social conservatism problem is no longer a priority, now the priority is stopping corruption and maybe stabilizing the economy. And probably going Ingsoc somewhere along the way.
I am the They who says it!
Sounds like you've got it rough. As for me, after just ONE session, I've found it to be not my kind of thing. At least I can now say I've given it a go before saying it's not something I'd wanna play again.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Zoo wee mama I should probably do something about Hellaflylandia's tax rate

But hey, average incomes are stupid high and people still have plenty of disposable income left over so I guess it's not that big of an issue lol

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

“Following new legislation in Stingoistic Jates, career advisors ask sociopathic orphan girls if they have considered becoming professional assassins.”

this is going great already
"Armed War Criminals are granted asylum if deemed 'Fabulous' enough."

You know, That SOUNDS like a bad thing, but crime actually went down significantly. And I already had virtually no crime because police state, so anything that makes the crime even more of a non-issue is good. And it's fixing the social conservatism problem, so that's nice.

So yeah, the leading cause of death is Old Age, at 96.2%, and everything else is cancer, because we accidently dyed our rivers orange with death sauce in exchange for a marginally more stable economy.
I am the They who says it!
Cheyland now has gun control. UwU
Got myself 2 nations: Sandwichs and Northern Angermag.
American Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms & a 44mm-length battery is.
“Violent criminals are doomed to be hunted by a psychotic billionaire.”

looks like Stingoistic Jates figured out the real interpretation of the phrase “billionaire killer Mark February”
Michael Bay movies have been declared high art in Westenhald.

It worked surprisingly well actually. People like science now, and it made us lots of money.

Oh, also a literal gorilla was tried and convicted of murder, which didn't change any values worth worrying about. But it was a good choice, I think.

And, you know, biological reproduction is outlawed, and all youthlings must be grown in vats, so as to give us more control over all their political opinions. But you know, it's probably fine.

Visit Westenhald. You can enter when you like, but you can never leave. Because we banned leaving the country. And are rapidly approaching the top 1% of authoritarian countries. This is probably fine, right? Yeah, it's fine. The only problem is the black market makes up 1% of the economy, and that will never do. So we're going to resolve that at some point.

EDIT: And now we have nukes. And are threatening to nuke other countries unless they lift the trade embargo. We're like North Korea, but way hipper and groovier with the hatchlings or whatever the youth are called these days, and also way more aggressive with our nuclear bioweapons. Because we have nuclear bioweapons. Woo, Double international treaty violation! Hell yeah, Realism's the best approach of International Relations Theory!

Total sleep deprived tangent, but someone should totally make anthropomorphic personifications of the five approaches of international relations theory, if someone hasn't already.
I am the They who says it!
This is basically tamagotchi, but with atrocities and war crimes against your citizens instead of playing with creatures.

And I've outlawed contact sports and a bunch of other things, while improving my economy and science and ITs and things. Some day, we will be a remarkably economically stable dictatorship!
I am the They who says it!
My nation is Pax et Dovia. I tried to make it as peaceful as possible, but you can let me know if I succeeded or not.

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