11-17-2023, 17:25:57 PM
"I can't risk letting an innocent person die..." said Kirby. "Hey, Neptune, do you have a reason to vote out Catar?"
Murderverse Falls
11-17-2023, 17:25:57 PM
"I can't risk letting an innocent person die..." said Kirby. "Hey, Neptune, do you have a reason to vote out Catar?"
11-17-2023, 17:37:29 PM
Lucky baps Kirby with a paw.
Is he asking something to the effect of "okay and WHY do you think unvoting at this juncture is a helpful course of action, exactly?" Or is he just bapping whatever happens to be in front of him? Yes.
11-17-2023, 17:38:30 PM
"... You know what? I'm willing to trust you on your claims, Jimothy."
Catar looks towards Kirby. She initially hesitates to make her choice, but hearing Kirby mention the whole hairless point despite the fact that evidence has been established to be useless thanks to the presence of multiple killers makes something in her snap. /vote Kirby "BECAUSE our second suspect... well, the second person we could point fingers at back while we thought evidence mattered is being a lot harder to trust now, either through what I assume are attempts to be slippery, or, debatably worse, utterly incompetent. Jimothy said his piece, and considering how our evidence ultimately amounts to nothing, I'm willing to drop my case against him." "Kirby, on the other hand, hasn't said anything that contributed to this case or conversation at all! In fact, come on! He's still on the whole hairless and tall point AFTER we decided that evidence is useless thanks to there being multiple killers!" "And- sure, he did get the size of the gloves, but let me reiterate- evidence is useless now. And just before that, he had ignored the cat's point (that we all somehow understood) completely, and then soon after risked potentially stalling the conversation or even outright derailing it if Jimothy was right, by asking us if we could find any more evidence or if we should look through any other evidence."
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
11-17-2023, 18:11:02 PM
Jimothy: 1 (Eki and Anya) Catar: 3 (Adrianna, Bunyan, Neptune) Kirby: 2 (Lucky, Catar) Murdergames CharactersFrankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam Black * Selen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
11-17-2023, 18:36:50 PM
And now that Noodlesnook has officially put up an application, our new voting deadline will be: Sunday, November 19, 2023 7:00 PM, Eastern Time (US) The person with the most votes will be eliminated, even if they don't get 6 votes Murdergames CharactersFrankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam Black * Selen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
11-18-2023, 03:05:22 AM
Something begins to build up in Catar. It is burning, tint-your-vision-red rage. In fact, she has built up that rage a long ago, ever since this situation reared its ugly head.
"... Look." The fact that she's in a murder mystery situation, where each night without having secured a challenge victory being a chance for her to die? Eh, monsters live in where she's from. "I appreciate the help with the gloves. I really do. Even if these pieces of evidence don't point us to anywhere at the end of the day..." The dwindling numbers, the increasingly surreal and unsettling series of events that she and the other campers have to solve? The latter is literally a common occurrence from, again, where she's from. "And I do think your Time Master point is something worth considering. Maybe Nights 2 or 3 really were skipped. But again, that's only another one of the many, many, many possibilities we have on the table for these two nights." Her life likely being on the line, because of her attempt to try and stop this vacation-turned-massacre, led by someone she admits she trusts? Whatever. It is what it is. "And with that said..." But the one thing that utterly, unapologetically, undoubtedly will set her off is incompetence. She is a worker at not only the heart, but the mind and the body. The desire to be efficient and see others be effective could be said to be hard-coded into her, and raw, pure, incompetence- the opposite of what she wants to see- is the only thing she sees in that blob. It'd be one thing for a complete track record of uselessness. But the occasional usefulness only makes this gross display of inefficacy all the more aggravating. And as she stares at the blob, asking her to tell her what she's thinking when she literally elaborated why she has began to suspect Kirby outside of the now-useless evidence, she can't help but- ![]() "LISTEN HERE, YOU INCORRIGIBLE, SPHERICAL DUNCE! I DON'T KNOW IF YOU'RE PLANNING SOMETHING OR BEING COMPLETELY USELESS AGAIN BY MISSING WHAT I JUST STATED, BUT THAT. IS. WHAT. I'M. THINKING!" Each word spoken in those last 5 words were accompanied by Catar shaking Kirby like they were a poorly made knockoff doll you'd find in a bargain bin section. "This isn't about YOU! This isn't about whatever's going in that empty whatever of yours, you simple-minded idiot! My life- their lives- YOUR life is on the line, and you're here, speaking in circles, hanging onto past threads, stating the obvious and ugh! the part where you always, always, ALWAYS state the MOST obvious thing anyone here could think of! MAYBE IT'S NOT EVEN THE PART WHERE YOU PARROT THE OBVIOUS BECAUSE EVEN MY STATEMENT OF THE OBVIOUS GOT US SOMEWHERE, DESPITE THE FACT IT COULD GET ME KILLED, RIGHT NOW! DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN BE USELESS FOR MORE THAN HALF OF THE TIME! DO SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING, DO ANYTHING!! I DON'T EVEN CARE IF YOU VOTE FOR ME, THAT'S HOW MUCH I WANT YOU TO DO A SINGLE THING!" Catar drops Kirby, a mix of pent-up anger, disbelief, stress and a myriad of other bad, painful feelings in her eyes, her posture, everything. "I think it says something that I admittedly had a hard time believing the cat at first, if only because what you do is so grossly incompetent that I don't have a hard time at all believing you acted so incompetently you come off as suspicious."
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
11-18-2023, 03:05:44 AM
Catar then scoffs. Despite her outburst, she feels that none of her weight has been lifted- probably the impending death of having 3 votes on her and the pressure that causes.
"Tch. That asides, if you want me to reveal what I am too, then so be it."
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
11-18-2023, 03:15:40 AM
Kirby then sports a look of confusion, fear, and even slight rage, and looking at him you might get the impression that he couldn't really think straight right now.
"Aaaargh! Trusting others in this place, even your friends, is tough! I don't know who to believe... Maybe... you or the cat were conspiring against me! Maybe you two were possessed by the destructive being that is threatening us now! Is that why!? Are either of you one of them!?" Kirby then calms down, and then looks in sadness. "I really want to trust you... i really do..."
11-18-2023, 03:17:12 AM
[Meanwhile, Ed is muttering about Felicia having left and expecting another guest to arrive for her room...]
Murdergames CharactersFrankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam Black * Selen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Jimothy: 1 (Eki and Anya) Catar: 4 (Adrianna, Bunyan, Neptune, Kirby) Kirby: 2 (Lucky, Catar) Murdergames CharactersFrankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam Black * Selen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
11-18-2023, 03:23:08 AM
Lucky meows loudly at Adrianna, Bunyan, and Neptune. Oddly specific.
11-18-2023, 04:28:18 AM
Bunyan is shocked to see Catar foricbly manhandle Kirby and drops her axe in the ground and that shock quickly turns into anger. She promptly lunges towards Catar and...
> Kick Catar in the face in hopes of making her drop Kirby. Regardless of the result, Bunyan lands on the ground afterwards. "Picking him up like that, shaking at him and yelling at him doesn't help your case at all! If anything, it'll make you look even more suspicious." Meanwhile, Babe watches on, somewhat distressed by what's going on and hears Lucky meowing at Bunyan, Adrianna, and Neptune. He moves closer to him and moos at him, conveying his confusion and worry to the little kitty.
11-18-2023, 05:33:24 AM
Lucky meows at Babe and then twitches his ears at Kirby. He may be saying something to the effect of "I 100% agree with Catar, tell Bunyan to change her vote to Kirby". Or possibly I'm projecting. Can oxen understand cats? Let's find out, I suppose.
11-18-2023, 05:46:04 AM
Kirby looks at Paul Bunyan in an adorable and slightly scared manner.
"You're on my side... right?"
11-18-2023, 06:08:17 AM
Lucky once again meows loudly at Adrianna and Neptune, perhaps hoping they have any response to all of this.
11-18-2023, 10:45:52 AM
Adrianna takes a moment to process everything.
There's at least one of them, yeah. It's fine. But they say they were roleblocked three times in succession before whoever it was moved on. Maybe it wasn't just one of the Alien or Gorgon roleblocking them, but both at different points. I'm sorry too... If there's anyone else you suspect, let us know. She turns to Neptune. Can you explain your vote a bit? She panics when Catar attacks Kirby. Woah, hang on! The evidence should be useful in some way! The-The way people act is evidence too. She turns to Lucky, guessing what he's asking. Kirby's been very active during the investigations, but otherwise been very passive and going with the flow. Is that really enough to convict him? Catar herself said he was just incompetent, but he could be faking it. No offence to anyone, but I just don't see it! However, we have some quiet folk around here who've not contributed. And I'll wait for that teen in purple to explain herself. I might switch if I don't like her explanation. Or lack of, as the case may be. What else needs saying?
TRIPLE STAR That's what you are. Amazing!
11-18-2023, 12:54:56 PM
> Kick Catar in the face in hopes of making her drop Kirby. (Bunyan)
...Actually turns out to be kind of a weak kick. Maybe Catar is off balance for a few seconds. Murdergames CharactersFrankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam Black * Selen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
11-18-2023, 16:20:05 PM
Catar stumbles more than a few steps back. Owowowowow--
Weak kick or not, she's still someone designed to fly, and that requires light bones. Catar holds her wings against her face as she keeps stumbling back, pained grunts coming from behind the wings.
it is me. awe921, the greatest face in all of koridai
11-19-2023, 02:22:35 AM
Kirby looks at Catar, now slightly angry. "Can i even trust you?"
11-19-2023, 04:24:48 AM
Eki and Anya take a while to comprehend the rapidly unfolding situation. Eki's writing down every statement, every action, but they can't come to a conclusion. The puffball had a point. They don't know who to trust anymore. In fact, this group is rife with trust issues. Makes sense, since there's 3-4 killers hiding among them, but Eki wishes their power could actually work for once. Sure, it could be Kirby but could that cat be trying to orchestrate another mislim? That really better not the case, Eki hopes. Or what if both Kirby and Catar are innocent and everyone's pointing their fingers at each other for no reason? Eki's cheeks are bright red, both from frustration and fear.
Meanwhile, Anya remains hyperfixated on death. Her usually joyous face instead has heavy eyelids and a small, yet noticeable frown ...Death. What a funny, horrible thing. What if Anya votes the wrong person? Does it even matter who she votes for, since at this point she's more likely to die than not? Everything she and Eki worked for a happy ending... it's all going to go to waste, all because an eldritch abomination thinks it's hilarious? No. That can't happen. She won't let it happen. Anya opens her mouth to speak, but suddenly Eki chimes in a confident, authoritative voice, a stark contrast to their usual soft-spoken tone. "Listen. I know I have remained silent for a while, but that is because I genuinely don't know which path to choose. But not anymore. I could be making a terrible decision, but at the same time, indecisiveness is what Luke wants. He wants us to be locked in a stalemate, even as blood continues to be spilled, until there's no one left to stop him. Now I understand why we are debating. There's a large amount of possibilities, not helped by the lack of clear, concise evidence. I don't know who to trust anymore," Eki whispers something into Anya's ear. She nods in agreement. "But, I will give Catar a chance." /vote Kirby "Anya and I are voting Kirby for the reasons the wyvern has already given. Her reaction was extreme, but I digress. Am I risking my life? Yes. But we have to make a decision, no matter if it's right. Besides, it will be a miracle if we survive to the end. It's clear the killers targeted us last night, and I doubt they will not try again. Either they'll try directing killing us, or twist our own words to sway everyone's opinion of us. Catar could be doing the same thing, I admit. And if we keep sacrificing the wrong person, then it's over. I am simply acting on instinct, though. ...Anya, you want to add anything to this?" "Yes, please! Eki kinda stole what I was gonna say, but that won't stop me. Before all of this, me and Eki saved the whole world. And admittedly, I was kinda expectin' the conundrum we're in right now to be a bit easier to solve than... this. Not that I was thinkin' this would be smooth ride all the way." Anya takes off the fake skin on her right arm, revealing a metallic prosthetic covered in pulsing purple-and-yellow lines and for some reason, the faint outline of veins. "Stopping the Vortex came with some sacrifices, including my arm. In fact, the thing that kicked Eki into action was me getting kidnapped." Anya winces a bit." Point is, figurin' this out won't be easy, but I believe we still have a chance. If Kirby turns out to be innocent, then so be it. Like my friend said, we're more likely... to... die than not die." Anya pauses. "...I'm scared of dying. But I'm sure that everybody here's scared too." Anya sighs. She has to get over her fear of dying. She has to. Noticing the slightly terrified look on Anya's face, Eki approaches their friend."I'm scared too, Anya. But... should our existences end here, we'll go together." Eki holds out their hand, which Anya takes "...As long as we're together the moment we stop breathin'. I'm fine with that." |
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