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[Mafia] Escape from Zombie Park Island 3
"I'm not sure it was a good idea to just skip the quarantining phase entirely, but all right," Hitomi mutters. "Never mind. Let's get down to business."

Quote:1. Make a plan how to clean the lab most efficiently and effectively. Time is critical, the quicker I can start the quicker I'll have the cure! But a dirty lab leads to dirty results, so don't skimp. If I swab the lab and try to grow what I swab in a petri dish - nothing should grow! Understood?
"Don't think there's any solution to this but good old-fashioned elbow grease. I'll get the mops, you get the soap."

Quote:2. Time for some more heavy lifting! The wooly mammoths, specifically. I need to get them from the flat plains to the colder reaches of the island's mountains which they're better suited for. What do you suggest?
"Entire mammoths... whew. In my experience, wildlife will reliably chase me down if I hit 'em with a little fish. Learned that little trick from Mom. Just make sure to keep eyes on 'em the whole way up, in case they get distracted."

Quote:3. Wouldn't it be fantastic to let the public see how real work in the lab is done once I open the place up as a park? Give me your best suggestions to get the park goers excited while letting work go on unhindered.
"Big glass windows. Reinforced glass." Other people would call it 'tempered' glass, but that word gives Hitomi bad vibes... "A nice wide view into the mechanics of things, with no worry of damage. And of course some blinds on the inside so things can get closed off when need be."
1. Make a plan how to clean the lab most efficiently and effectively. Time is critical, the quicker I can start the quicker I'll have the cure! But a dirty lab leads to dirty results, so don't skimp. If I swab the lab and try to grow what I swab in a petri dish - nothing should grow! Understood?

"I guess we could clean the lab with our usual utensils. Kirby would be a great help with his cleaning ability..."

2. Time for some more heavy lifting! The wooly mammoths, specifically. I need to get them from the flat plains to the colder reaches of the island's mountains which they're better suited for. What do you suggest?

"If we have trucks or vehicles big enough to contain mammoths, we could use them to carry your creatures!"

3. Wouldn't it be fantastic to let the public see how real work in the lab is done once I open the place up as a park? Give me your best suggestions to get the park goers excited while letting work go on unhindered.

"Maybe we could have corridors outside the lab that is separated from it by soundproof and bulletproof glass. And maybe we could have a tour guide as well..."
Dusk ponders the task.

1: Cleaning a lab... not really much room for creativity, is there? Ethanol should be a suitable antimicrobial, so clean things with that. If speed is the chief concern, just get as many people to clean as you can! Just make sure that they don't bring in any contaminents of their own.

2: Tranquilise the mammoths, for starters. Then get them loaded onto a flatbed truck, drive them up to the mountains. Loading them should not be a problem, what with modern construction equipment able to move most heavy weights. But if the roads prove too difficult for a truck to navigate, maybe a helicopter would be able to lift one? It seems unlikely, so I hope those roads are good!

3: Hmmm... construct a fake "showroom" lab, but make it look real. Hire fake scientists to pretend to do science, you could even let the guests in to "help", they get the satisfaction, nobody gets in the way.
hey who turned out the lights?
Quote:1. Make a plan how to clean the lab most efficiently and effectively. Time is critical, the quicker I can start the quicker I'll have the cure! But a dirty lab leads to dirty results, so don't skimp. If I swab the lab and try to grow what I swab in a petri dish - nothing should grow! Understood?

"...Cleaning chemicals and a lot of workhands to do it quick and perfectly?"

Quote:2. Time for some more heavy lifting! The wooly mammoths, specifically. I need to get them from the flat plains to the colder reaches of the island's mountains which they're better suited for. What do you suggest?

"Large, cold, cargo trucks like the ones I've seen used to haul frozen food? Be sure to like, use food to entice them to there and keep them occupied, okay? And keep them pacified with...sedation, or something."

Quote:3. Wouldn't it be fantastic to let the public see how real work in the lab is done once I open the place up as a park? Give me your best suggestions to get the park goers excited while letting work go on unhindered.

"...I heard something about "hologram displays" back in Stablereed once. I suppose those can be used to show the actual lab work without being so disruptive to the scientists themselves?"
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

:33< *ac pawnders the list as she reads it over, and then purrsents her plan!*

1. Make a plan how to clean the lab most efficiently and effectively. Time is critical, the quicker I can start the quicker I'll have the cure! But a dirty lab leads to dirty results, so don't skimp. If I swab the lab and try to grow what I swab in a petri dish - nothing should grow! Understood?

:33< *ac thinks teamwork will get the job done! assign efurryone an area of the lab and get to cleaning. she also suggests using those cleansers that are safe fur animals but effective on germs so nyabody gets hurt by them.*

2. Time for some more heavy lifting! The wooly mammoths, specifically. I need to get them from the flat plains to the colder reaches of the island's mountains which they're better suited for. What do you suggest?

:33<*ac wrinkles up her nose a bit beclawse this is kind of a tricky one! are any of the meowmmoths tame enough to ride without getting bit or scratched? if so lead a brigade with one of them to get the others up the meowntains :33*

3. Wouldn't it be fantastic to let the public see how real work in the lab is done once I open the place up as a park? Give me your best suggestions to get the park goers excited while letting work go on unhindered.

:33<*ac thinks that sounds purrfect! maybe a guided tour where guests can watch the lab work through big windows? and then a meowvie showing the hisstory of how all of this happened, in a theater set up in the purrk. Except without the zombie and death stuff beclaws there will be  a cure by then right?*
Stupid doomed timeline...
Fluttershy rapidly shook her head. "No, no, no. Any place where people might become zombies should not become a park! Cure or no cure! All it would take is one person bringing the virus home with them, and the whole land could be infected!" With a huff and a stomp, she performed her tasks, hoping to reach the same quality that won her immunity yesterday.

1. Okay, hm. Using her tail as a mop would just smear things around, but what if she strapped brushes to her hooves and skated around on the soap? That was something Pinkie Pie showed her when they were cleaning the Castle of the Two Sisters. That way, she could even scrub under the tables with just a stretch of the hoof. Oh! If she could get a raincloud inside the lab, and hold it low enough to not soak the tables and equipment, that would rinse the floor much faster. She could cover everything that could get shortcircuited with plastic wrap beforehand, she supposed.

2. Whatever Fluttershy could think of should not involve the chance of being scratched or bitten by the mammoths. That fact eliminated her hooves-on way of dealing with animals, made thinking difficult. What if she could cause a stampede from afar? If she could bring down a thundercloud behind them...Absolutely not, that would cause disaster.

BUT, if she created a fake baby mammoth and pulled it along up the mountain with a long rope, that may lure the herd into following the wandering calf. Might not even have to involve crafts, maybe. What if she played mammoth calls from the mountains? That would be even safer! She would watch them arrive to the mountains from a cloud.

3. She loved AC's theater idea. A musical about the park would get its name stuck in peoples' heads more than a lecture. If anyone wanted to see the lab itself, there could be livestreams, VR, she liked that showroom idea Dusk proposed. But a virtual reality lab would be so cool!
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
I'm not sure you quite understand. Once I validate my cure, I can use it to cure all my animals too. I'm sure of it. No zombie animals, certainly nowhere near visitors. Just animals that used to be extinct. But aren't anymore.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

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"Oh. Okay. Um, I'm just trying really hard not to get scratched regardless."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
After a bit of thinking over the worst possibilities of this island turning into a park, Shoehorn feels that it's time to say something.

Frankie, are you serious? Are you really wanting to turn this place into a park? This is already a beautiful place and seeing all these creatures thrive. You would really put all that at risk? All these selfish people coming down here and destroying everything? Soiling these nice, natural grounds?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Of course! Sharing these animals with people, letting them understand firsthand what it means that they're still here... I won't allow the island to get polluted. That would ruin the point. But a well-managed operation, clean, strictly controlling how many people are here at any one time... which would make it a trip for the wealthy, yes. Don't you see what showing them all this could do, though? Conservation non-profits all over the place asking for a consult. A dodo petting zoo in central park, maybe.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
"And you don't think people would be willing to steal these animals for a profit? You're underestimating the terrible things people will do to nature for a quick bit." She paused. "Dollar, as you call it. Once rich enough people see these creatures, they'll want their own teams of scientists to create their own extinct creature parks, possibly stealing the DNA from yours. And suppose those clones end up with the zombie virus!"
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
:33< *ac suggests good security for the purrk when it's done. this will stop people from taking the animals and even if none of them are zombies some of them are purrobably still pretty dangerous. so lots of safety and security purrcautions!*
Stupid doomed timeline...
...Well, yes. Certainly. We will need good security. Of course.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Frankie, I've seen how people are. Back on my old island. Sure some people might be fascinated with the aesthetics of it all. But you are making a very risky move choosing to open this up to the public. I have seen quite a bit of animal life and plant life all die because of how inconsiderate people are. And what I've seen is simply too much for me to take in. Now I admire you and I have lots of respect for all the work you've done here. But we'd be opening ourselves up to people who trash this beautiful world and even worse. Animal poachers. And just imagine how much they can profit off some of the creatures that were once extinct. I urge you, please reconsider this.

It's at this point Shoehorn is starting to act a bit frantic over this and even getting a little irrational. But this is reminding him of the events of his old island and his own Victoria all over again.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Fluttershy steps closer to Shoehorn. "It's because of us that dodo birds went extinct in the first place."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
Then we have to show we're better than that! That we've learned! No poachers allowed, even if I have to hunt them down myself! ...and if they try to profit off what *I've* done here, well...

If a zombie could go red in the face, Frankie would probably be as red as a tomato.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
You are right, my dear Fluttershy. And that was like what, 300, 400 years ago? Something like that? And since then, people have not changed for the better. I'm beginning to wonder if Frankie is starting to get over her head. If you'll excuse me, please. I think I need to be alone.

Shoehorn walks away from everyone to a more secluded place on the island to think about this turn of events.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Fluttershy considers following Shoehorn, but friends need to be alone sometimes. "If anything, people have gotten worse. The threat of being shot isn't going to deter a poacher."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
It had better.

Frankie grumbles and takes a sip from the flask she's always carryign around with her medicinal serum.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
1. Make a plan how to clean the lab most efficiently and effectively. Time is critical, the quicker I can start the quicker I'll have the cure! But a dirty lab leads to dirty results, so don't skimp. If I swab the lab and try to grow what I swab in a petri dish - nothing should grow! Understood?

"My Berserker armor gives me superspeed. Gimme, 5, 10 minutes, it'll be like no one was ever there in the first place."

2. Time for some more heavy lifting! The wooly mammoths, specifically. I need to get them from the flat plains to the colder reaches of the island's mountains which they're better suited for. What do you suggest?

"I'll fuck up a wooly mammoth! You see this sword I have?" He swings the Dragon Slayer around a bit. "See how easily I'm wielding it? Yeah, open and shut case."

3. Wouldn't it be fantastic to let the public see how real work in the lab is done once I open the place up as a park? Give me your best suggestions to get the park goers excited while letting work go on unhindered.

"Just...have a window, I guess? I dunno."
Looking from afar, Bandana Dee watches the events. He says to Frankie.

"Hey, if you can open the park, i might invite all my friends here!"
This cheers Frankie up a bit and she gives Bandana Dee a smile.

And they will be welcome.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
Illina overhears the brief triple trouble between the two zombies and the pony.

"Frankie...is it ok if I say something?"
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed


Technically you're already saying something. But go on.
Murdergames Characters
Frankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam BlackSelen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude

Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
As the conversations happen around the island, everyone here the sound of a black helicopter approaching the island. The sound of the blades get closer and closer until it lands on an empty space. And out comes a man with dark curly hair, light blue eyes, a button down shirt with a vest and slacks. Other people follow him out

[Image: paulcarter.png]

Just have a browse around the island, will ya? Just be careful here, he says, instructing his people. He walks up to Dr. Frankie, offering his hand.

Dr. Frankie? How ya doin'? I'm Paul Carter from the US Government. We talked on the phone the other day. I trust you got your equipment all right? he says, speaking with a slight New York accent.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

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