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[Mafia] Close Circle 2
"Alright. Time for drugs."

1. Scooping the stash in 1/2 foot stumps is difficult, so Lucky needs something to carry them in. For now, he crams it all in a trash bag and drags it around on a piece of plywood.

2. A trash bag makes too much noise and gets caught in things too easily, and boxes are too obvious. He would copy Lindsey's ice cream truck stunt, but he's too tiny to drive. Stuffing the drugs inside meat and selling that sounded good until he realized someone might not have wanted crack in their wild caught goose. What's a rabbit to do...but use the Easter Bunny trick? He gets some of those plastic eggs, as many as he'll need, heads home and secretly crams the drugs into them.

3. Here comes the Easter rabbit, hurraaaaaay. He hops around alleys, abandoned buildings, just about anywhere he thinks Sparxxx's customers could be. For the sake of deception, he occasionally hands out "legitimate" eggs containing little pieces of chocolate or dried fruit. Mostly dried fruit. Chocolate's expensive. As for the real customers, he pops open an egg, lets them take the drugs out, and puts his payment in its place. Anyone who tries to rip him off gets bitten.

4. To avoid cop detection, Lucky remains secluded as much as possible. He'll even hide in trwsh cans if it's necessary. If cops look his way, he drops the basket and plays wild rabbit, perfectly still to mimic a lawn decoration. If it comes to his last resort, he deploys the flamethrower and runs while people panic over the fire.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
(03-15-2022, 21:31:16 PM)PopcornPie Wrote: "Alright. Time for drugs."

1. Scooping the stash in 1/2 foot stumps is difficult, so Lucky needs something to carry them in. For now, he crams it all in a trash bag and drags it around on a piece of plywood.

2. A trash bag makes too much noise and gets caught in things too easily, and boxes are too obvious. He would copy Lindsey's ice cream truck stunt, but he's too tiny to drive. Stuffing the drugs inside meat and selling that sounded good until he realized someone might not have wanted crack in their wild caught goose. What's a rabbit to do...but use the Easter Bunny trick? He gets some of those plastic eggs, as many as he'll need, heads home and secretly crams the drugs into them.

3. Here comes the Easter rabbit, hurraaaaaay. He hops around alleys, abandoned buildings, just about anywhere he thinks Sparxxx's customers could be. For the sake of deception, he occasionally hands out "legitimate" eggs containing little pieces of chocolate or dried fruit. Mostly dried fruit. Chocolate's expensive. As for the real customers, he pops open an egg, lets them take the drugs out, and puts his payment in its place. Anyone who tries to rip him off gets bitten.

4. To avoid cop detection, Lucky remains secluded as much as possible. He'll even hide in trwsh cans if it's necessary. If cops look his way, he drops the basket and plays wild rabbit, perfectly still to mimic a lawn decoration. If it comes to his last resort, he deploys the flamethrower and runs while people panic over the fire.

1. Pretty simple approach that you take. But it's effective. You can't carry a whole lot on you, but you got enough to make a profit. (Rolled 5)

2. You manage to get a lot of the Easter eggs and stuff them all into the eggs. It's the perfect cover. Nobody will think twice about what you're carrying... (Rolled 8)

3. But things go downhill once you sell your eggs. The Singleton Elementary School happens to come by and the kids come out and get excited when they see you, the "Easter Bunny". They completely trample over you and take the eggs. You are too small to stop the kids. And when the inevitably find the drugs, this earns the ire of angry teachers and parents who beat you up, saying how you're responsible for corrupting today's youth. Battered up, you escape from the angry citizens. (Rolled 1 and 1- for your small size for 0, so you broke the scale!)

4. And the cops see you when you try to hide in the trash cans. And your attempts to play "wild rabbit" don't work as they all have a vivid description of you from the angry adults. In an act of desperation, you pull out the flamethrower.... only to fire it right in your direction. You light yourself up like a torch and end up with third-degree burns all over your body before you black out. When you wake up, you find yourself in the ICU, fighting for your life in an iron lung. The cops would arrest you, but Sparxxx used his connections again to free you after you make your full recovery. (Rolled 1)

Lucky O'Chopper has scored a total of 14 points.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
...It's a wonder how Lucky hasn't already killed himself by now. He has to be physically dragged into his house by the ears, mostly out of commission the rest of the day.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
...It's a wonder Lucky hasn't already killed himself by now. He has to be physically dragged into his house by the ears, mostly out of commission the rest of the day.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
"Okay. Focus. You can do this shit."

Mila chooses the fourth challenge this time.

1. Gather some of Sparxxx's people and arm yourselves.

Since the shit they're stealing includes stuff that shouldn't be shot at, Mila's going to go for closer-range weapons. She'll still bring a pistol if it comes to taking a headshot or something close up but mostly she's gonna get knives. Big ones. And some of Sparxxx's burlier goons; ones who won't go down easy and can throw punches or choke someone if needed.

2. Head over to the train as it makes its stop (or if you're feeling really bold, follow the train and raid it as it moves).

Yeah, not feeling bold enough to follow a train after all the shit she's already been through today. Mila will load herself and the goons into a big van and drive to the train stop. The van, of course, can hold a bunch of weapons.

3. Steal all the explosives, weaponry, armor, anything you can find and get it off the train.

Burly goons are good for grabbing things and intimidating anyone on the train as needed. And if a fight's going down, well, that's what the knives and shit are for. One or two will distract/fight while the rest load the weapons, armor, and explosives into the van.

4. Bring back everything you've taken to Emery's and hope to God the military doesn't come after you as you do all that.

Drive back, taking detours and back roads as necessary to lose anyone coming after them. Hopefully that van's good on back roads and the military doesn't have choppers or something. But if they do, well, maybe the goons are good at evading. Or shooting out the windows, whatever. That's kind of a last resort thing though.
Stupid doomed timeline...
(03-16-2022, 00:22:57 AM)Kennifer Wrote: "Okay. Focus. You can do this shit."

Mila chooses the fourth challenge this time.

1.      Gather some of Sparxxx's people and arm yourselves.

Since the shit they're stealing includes stuff that shouldn't be shot at, Mila's going to go for closer-range weapons. She'll still bring a pistol if it comes to taking a headshot or something close up but mostly she's gonna get knives. Big ones. And some of Sparxxx's burlier goons; ones who won't go down easy and can throw punches or choke someone if needed.

2.      Head over to the train as it makes its stop (or if you're feeling really bold, follow the train and raid it as it moves).

Yeah, not feeling bold enough to follow a train after all the shit she's already been through today. Mila will load herself and the goons into a big van and drive to the train stop. The van, of course, can hold a bunch of weapons.

3.      Steal all the explosives, weaponry, armor, anything you can find and get it off the train.

Burly goons are good for grabbing things and intimidating anyone on the train as needed. And if a fight's going down, well, that's what the knives and shit are for. One or two will distract/fight while the rest load the weapons, armor, and explosives into the van.

4.      Bring back everything you've taken to Emery's and hope to God the military doesn't come after you as you do all that.

Drive back, taking detours and back roads as necessary to lose anyone coming after them. Hopefully that van's good on back roads and the military doesn't have choppers or something. But if they do, well, maybe the goons are good at evading. Or shooting out the windows, whatever. That's kind of a last resort thing though.

1. Good thinking! You arm yourself with a pretty good pistol and you manage to get knives big enough to make Crocodile Dundee jealous. And you manage to get some of the biggest, burliest guys you can. And they can more than handle themselves in a fight. (Rolled 7 and 1+ for street smarts for a total of 8)

2. You don't find the biggest van around. In fact, it barely contains the guys you bring along, so you wonder how much stuff you can possibly fit. But you just decide to see how it goes. (Rolled 4)

3. And they do bring the fight all right. Security guards are on watch, but thankfully your guys are a match for them. And naturally you're not able to load up too much into the van, because of the guys. But you do get just enough that it's considered an acceptable amount. (Rolled 5)

4. And you do get the military after you. But your idea of taking back roads and detours aids you well as you do quickly lose them before you make your way back to the hood. (Rolled 6 and 1+ for street smarts for 7)

Mila has scored a total of 23 points.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Not good enough for the safe house again, but I managed not to get hurt or arrested and I should get some money, so... after today, I'll take it."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Maybe the killer can take me next if he wants. I just...aaah, fuck, I can barely move...fuckin' kids. I forgot how much I hate kids." Gosh Lucky, melodramatic much?
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
You're already expecting to be shanked in the night? Why you? I mean, if your angle is "I am weak and easy to take on", the killer showed a willingness to go after Rambo. If anyone should be worried, it's the other ex-government here. That being me. I'm ex-government. Anyway, I did well, my labor's value is being syphoned off at a disturbing rate by middlemen, all that stuff. Basically, I think we're going to do fine. We're in a very good position into the upcoming night.

I mean assuming Tyler and Steve ever get their things done. They probably will soon enough.
I am the They who says it!
"N'yugh, I guess...I just wish I didn't try to charm kids into letting me through. God, I think they stomped me ribs right through. Almost went to human jail, too. I always thought I'd get put in the pet store." He chuckled weakly. "I bet all I really need is some painkillers. These feel like 'I need Ibuprofen' throbs in me shoulder."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
Let's do <Commence>! How can I be an [IMAGE HIJACKER] without <Sell Junk, Get Rich!>?

Steve Addison's Pop-Up Gift Shop!
1.      Take as much of Sparxxx's drug stash as you need to make money for him. > Some Schedule Is and IIs should do the trick. "Steve" will also arm himself with a dagger and some chloroform.

2.      Head up to the main city districts of Singleton and set up shop. Try not to make it obvious to people the kind of merchandise you're selling.  > Addison will settle down in a corner at the nearest popular tourist trap. They'll shed the Steve disguise for the moment to avoid attracting "customers" from the police or military. Addison will pretend to sell <Complementary Merchandise>, with a <Very Special Deal> for those who are interested...

3.      Push your products and make that money. If someone tries to rip you off, feel free to extract that money from them, with a little bit of force if necessary. > Addison will strategically place themself near the exit of the tourist trap and advertise merchandise at a discounted rate. If anyone asks about the special deal, that's Addison's cue to bring out the drugs. They'll even throw in a free NFT for anyone who spends over $100! If someone tries ripping Addison off, Addison will stab them in the leg and knock them out with the chloroform, before tossing the would-be con person into police territory.

4.      Do what you can to avoid the unwanted attention of the police. If they give you any problems, do what you can to evade them. >If Addison sees an officer approaching their stand, Addison will hide the drugs and keep up the masquerade of selling merchandise. If a cop questions Addison, they'll try bribing the cop with drugs because the chances of coming across a corrupt cop in a city like Los Capucha are likely decent. Otherwise, Addison will resort to using dirty force.

Sigh...time for number three.

1.      See Emery for any of your weapon or protection needs if you so desire.

Get a helmet, bulletproof vest that also conceals his wings, a riot shield, some clothes, two simple glocks, and a police baton. Protection is provided by the shield, helmet, and vest, the glock and baton are his weapon, and the clothes are for disguising himself. Also request for some temporary antimemetic (essentially causes the wielder of the antimeme to become immune to being perceived one way or another - aka become invisible/disguised in more ways than just visual) protection. Oh and also some memetic hazard to easily make a large group cooperate with you.

2.      Look for where Charles is. Again, like I said, he's up West somewhere in the woods.

Antimemetic? Is the SCP Foundation gonna get involved?


Advance on foot whilst avoiding police and Yarddog territory, whilst putting on a more unassuming civillian/outdoor adventurer like getup to really minimise attention. Meanwhile, tip off a call to the SCP Foundation, telling them of whatever the fuck kinda "anomalous" shit is """"happening"""" at the woods where Charles is, sending their personnel off to the house that'll certainly provide you some protection against the Yarddogs, and their presence if you see them is an easy indicator for you that you're right at the target's spot.

3.      Get Charles out of the house as stealthily and safely as possible. And if you end up fighting off the ones influenced by the Yarddogs, don't be afraid to use violence if you need to.

With the antimemetic protection active, blend in with the Task Force members and escort Charles out of the way. You've got the Foundation on your side as of now - the Yarddogs will both have to go through them and your antimemetic protection.

4.      Destroy Charles's old identity and give him his new one (You will have everything in an envelope, which includes IDs, birth certificates, all that) and get him to the airport without incident.

And now unleash the memetic hazard on all the personnel there, subtly - make them your protection, and lead them with Charles in tow to the airport - they'll handle everything for you, from identity changing, document destruction, more protection, and sending amnestics (memory-erasing chemicals, here, distributed in an airsprayed form) to ensure no one but them and you remember what the fuck was going on in the airport. Oh wait. You're also siccing the amnestics on the Foundation personnel too. So they don't even know they just did all that under your command.
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

(03-16-2022, 05:28:56 AM)Goose Wrote: Let's do <Commence>! How can I be an [IMAGE HIJACKER] without <Sell Junk, Get Rich!>?

Steve Addison's Pop-Up Gift Shop!
1.      Take as much of Sparxxx's drug stash as you need to make money for him. > Some Schedule Is and IIs should do the trick. "Steve" will also arm himself with a dagger and some chloroform.

2.      Head up to the main city districts of Singleton and set up shop. Try not to make it obvious to people the kind of merchandise you're selling.  > Addison will settle down in a corner at the nearest popular tourist trap. They'll shed the Steve disguise for the moment to avoid attracting "customers" from the police or military. Addison will pretend to sell <Complementary Merchandise>, with a <Very Special Deal> for those who are interested...

3.      Push your products and make that money. If someone tries to rip you off, feel free to extract that money from them, with a little bit of force if necessary. > Addison will strategically place themself near the exit of the tourist trap and advertise merchandise at a discounted rate. If anyone asks about the special deal, that's Addison's cue to bring out the drugs. They'll even throw in a free NFT for anyone who spends over $100! If someone tries ripping Addison off, Addison will stab them in the leg and knock them out with the chloroform, before tossing the would-be con person into police territory.

4.      Do what you can to avoid the unwanted attention of the police. If they give you any problems, do what you can to evade them. >If Addison sees an officer approaching their stand, Addison will hide the drugs and keep up the masquerade of selling merchandise. If a cop questions Addison, they'll try bribing the cop with drugs because the chances of coming across a corrupt cop in a city like Los Capucha are likely decent. Otherwise, Addison will resort to using dirty force.

1. That goes well enough. You scour yourself up some Schedule Is and IIs. And you also get yourself a dagger and chloroform to go with them. (Rolled 6)

2. Also clever thinking! You set up shop at the Wilco Building downtown, one of the most popular landmarks in the city of Singleton. And lo and behold, a vacation bus comes along with people here to see the building itself, but they notice your little shop. Not exactly the business you expected, but who knows? You might have attracted a brand new customer-based. (Rolled 9 and 1+ for street smarts for a total of 10)

3. You don't make as much business as you hoped. Some people just find you off-putting not to do business with you. But still, you do manage to make a good number of "special deals", although only one did spend over $100 and earned themselves a free NFT. Not the best profits you've ever made, but you could have done worse. (Rolled 5 and 1- for your personality for a total of 4)

4. And naturally, you do get a cop who inspects you. And this one's a hard sell. They just simply don't like what you have to offer, not even satisfied with the level-of-bribe you have to offer. Saying screw it, you do the sensible thing  and kick the cop in the groin before leaving the area and going back to the hood with the small profits you made. (Rolled 5 and 1- for your personality for a total of 4)

Steve/Addison has scored a total of 24 points.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
(03-16-2022, 05:46:24 AM)Cassie Wrote: Sigh...time for number three.

1.      See Emery for any of your weapon or protection needs if you so desire.

Get a helmet, bulletproof vest that also conceals his wings, a riot shield, some clothes, two simple glocks, and a police baton. Protection is provided by the shield, helmet, and vest, the glock and baton are his weapon, and the clothes are for disguising himself. Also request for some temporary antimemetic (essentially causes the wielder of the antimeme to become immune to being perceived one way or another - aka become invisible/disguised in more ways than just visual) protection. Oh and also some memetic hazard to easily make a large group cooperate with you.

2.      Look for where Charles is. Again, like I said, he's up West somewhere in the woods.

Antimemetic? Is the SCP Foundation gonna get involved?


Advance on foot whilst avoiding police and Yarddog territory, whilst putting on a more unassuming civillian/outdoor adventurer like getup to really minimise attention. Meanwhile, tip off a call to the SCP Foundation, telling them of whatever the fuck kinda "anomalous" shit is """"happening"""" at the woods where Charles is, sending their personnel off to the house that'll certainly provide you some protection against the Yarddogs, and their presence if you see them is an easy indicator for you that you're right at the target's spot.

3.      Get Charles out of the house as stealthily and safely as possible. And if you end up fighting off the ones influenced by the Yarddogs, don't be afraid to use violence if you need to.

With the antimemetic protection active, blend in with the Task Force members and escort Charles out of the way. You've got the Foundation on your side as of now - the Yarddogs will both have to go through them and your antimemetic protection.

4.      Destroy Charles's old identity and give him his new one (You will have everything in an envelope, which includes IDs, birth certificates, all that) and get him to the airport without incident.

And now unleash the memetic hazard on all the personnel there, subtly - make them your protection, and lead them with Charles in tow to the airport - they'll handle everything for you, from identity changing, document destruction, more protection, and sending amnestics (memory-erasing chemicals, here, distributed in an airsprayed form) to ensure no one but them and you remember what the fuck was going on in the airport. Oh wait. You're also siccing the amnestics on the Foundation personnel too. So they don't even know they just did all that under your command.

1. You do indeed get all the armor you need. Everything to conceal your needs and all that should provide pretty good protection. You look like a SWAT team member. You better hope you don't get actually mistaken for one. And you do get the antimemetic and memetic hazard. Enough amounts of both to literally take over the city of Singleton. A little bit more than you needed. But you do get it all. (Rolled 10)

2. You call the SCP foundation to report the "anomalous shit" happening. But they are busy, so it takes some time for them to get there. Maybe they had real anomalous shit to deal with. But rest assured, they do come in. (Rolled 5)

3. The Foundation is here and you got your antimemetic on. You quickly snatch Charles and fly away with him far and fast. You manage to make a quick getaway. (Rolled 8 and 1+ for your wings for 9)

4. Have the Foundation work for you under the memetic hazard? No problem! They take care of everything for you. He is all set to go before leaving town and with the amnestics, they are none the wiser. All in all, the mission was a success. (Rolled 7)

Tyler Black has scored a total of 31 points.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
And that's everyone. Glad to see you all get your jobs done quickly. Very nice work. And the best one among us today is Tyler! Congratulations, you've earned yourself another night of immunity.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
First thing everyone sees of Tyler after his successful mission is him discarding the meme and antimeme into the bin.

Heh. Old foes can still prove useful. He remarks, not giving any comment on how one could discard a meme/antimeme into a bin like a can of soda.
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

Well shit. Guess I'm in the line of fire.

Uhh... fuck.

I am the They who says it!
"Welp, time to <Play Cards Right> and pray <Please! Spare me, my Lord!>"
I like bananas. They're yellow.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

And everyone is greeted to Sparxxx on his phone.

Yes, we are now all clear to go..... yes, it's all done now... great, I'll see you soon. Good-bye.

He hangs up his phone as he looks at the others with a grin that's a little more unsettling than usual.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"...Lad?" Lucky bristled and held up his weapon, ready for a shootout. That grin looked unnatural.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
"Now <Lindsey>, what were you doing with that <Toxic Tube>?"

> search for dead bodies
Mila looks unnerved; she feels herself tensing up.

>...did someone do an aliven't?
Stupid doomed timeline...
"Maybe we tried his patience one time too many..."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.

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