03-13-2022, 02:33:37 AM
>Are there any more corpses around because holy shitfucking balls (Mila)
Doesn't look like there are
Doesn't look like there are
I like bananas. They're yellow.
[Mafia] Close Circle 2
03-13-2022, 02:33:37 AM
>Are there any more corpses around because holy shitfucking balls (Mila)
Doesn't look like there are
I like bananas. They're yellow.
03-13-2022, 03:14:24 AM
"Alright, so we know the culprit got some buddies to help this time."
>Look for a dead body in or around his house. If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
03-13-2022, 03:19:31 AM
>Look for a dead body in or around his house. (Lucky)
You trip and fall on the floor.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
03-13-2022, 03:23:01 AM
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
03-13-2022, 03:27:36 AM
Okay so... incidentally, how long do we have before we run out of time for the day and end up having to do the job, skip voting, and wait for another of us to get killed? I'd prefer not to lose the initiative. That said...
>Check out the ruins of Mila's house for any signs of a sniper perch I am the They who says it!
03-13-2022, 03:34:33 AM
>Check out the ruins of Mila's house for any signs of a sniper perch (Lindsey)
As you explore, you reach the top of the roof and then it caves in and you fall with it. You're not seriously injured, but there goes her house. And deadline? Let's go for Wednesday at 9 PM CST, shall we? [] keeping it generous because I don't know what my work schedule will be like this week as of yet[]
I like bananas. They're yellow.
03-13-2022, 03:58:35 AM
"Other than finding the other dead Cappers, we're not getting anywhere in this case."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
03-13-2022, 06:02:03 AM
I don't know how to proceed here. We've found body after body, item of evidence after item of evidence, and none of it actually points to anyone.
Well, I mean, there's some pointing to Steve, but uhh... he's probably not the killer for previously stated reasons. I doubt he managed to do the thing where he'd bribe the investigator, seeing as you'd actually have to time that right. I mean, I guess it could be Mila, but that doesn't seem immediately evident. Uhh... Anyone have any suspicions that we can go on? I am the They who says it!
03-13-2022, 10:31:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-13-2022, 10:32:00 AM by Cassie.
Edit Reason: Had to add in some info
Shit, falling behind...I was following Lindsay's lead and checked where southeast-wise the shot likely came from...which led to the roof of the eigth house being the most likely spot.
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
quote listW H O T U R N E D O N T H E L I G H T S E N D L E S S F U N ENTITY SUCCUMBED; INVALID She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed
03-13-2022, 15:38:44 PM
"I was in the safe house last night, sleeping except for when I paid for the background check thing. Didn't know who to use it on and it woulda been wasted if Tyler'd used one on Steve first anyway. I dunno why the Yarddog used my house, I never even went on the roof up there. And yeah, it's a shot I coulda made but I usually go for somethin' closer on the rare times I need to shoot somebody, like I did in that assassination job. No, I dunno why the fuck they chose my house, specially not why they set it on fuckin fire after and burned up all my shit."
Mila pauses a moment, trying to think. "So if Tyler really did use a background check that'd make them a Capper. Unless they lied and just picked a name and claimed they did a check, that'd be kinda clever. Steve'd be probably clear either way 'less he'd gotten a bribe in on time. Lindsey I was gettin' kinda suspicious of after the bullshit about stats and Spamton the first day and it turned out wrong, but they also were pointing out the shit about that cookie and that turned out right, so either they just got dumb on the Spamton shit or they threw someone under the bus. Either way they're better at this shit when there's obvious evidence and shit. And Lucky... shit I dunno, that necklace thing was creepy as fuck but coulda been planted or something." She wasn't sure if she was missing something obvious or not; all the random corpses, the disgusting melted flesh that used to be Rambo, and her own house burning down kind of made it difficult to focus.
Stupid doomed timeline...
03-13-2022, 18:01:12 PM
"Notice that the <Hidden Murderer> left *Possibly False <Blue's Clues> all over this place! The killer likely <Snipered> from <Gangster Girl>'s house, the <Assault Weapons: How Dangerous Are They?> and the <Genuine Teeth Bracelet> were found near <Cinderace>'s house, and my <Betuful Single Shoes> were melted in the <Dangers of Using Drain Cleaner!>" Steve stares at his bare feet with a distraught look.[/color]
"The killer did not <Left Behind> any obvious <Possible Red Herringz> for <Oregon Man> and <Edgy SCP>. That would mean the <Yards for Dogs> wasn't trying to <Framing Services, Co.> either of <Those Two Guy>. Assuming that the <Clues> are fabricated and <Top 10 Most Wanted Criminals> isn't Mila or Lucky, that would mean the <Bad Gangster> is either Lindsey or <Tyler Tuskson>! But hey, that's just a theory! A <MURDER THEORY>!"
03-13-2022, 20:05:55 PM
Actually, there was a dead body behind my house with the teeth ripped out, so... That seems like something to frame me, actually.
I mean, I guess that leaves Tyler. Doesn't feel like it should be though. Feels like something is missing. I am the They who says it!
03-13-2022, 23:15:37 PM
"You're telling me you're strong enougb to remove teeth?..Hey, that's a start! Who else among us could be strong enough to pull out someone's teeth? With a tool or..."
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
03-13-2022, 23:45:58 PM
I mean, dentists don't have to be physically strong. Pretty much anyone can rip a tooth out with pliers or some other grip-lever tool. The problem is not that teeth are stuck in hard, it's that they're slippery and hard to grip.
Mind, I really think that Tyler so far is the only one who has no evidence against him. I don't know if that's suspicious though. Last time we executed based on very little evidence and lots of elaborate deduction, that ended with Spamton dead and apparently not guilty. I am the They who says it!
03-13-2022, 23:51:46 PM
[COLOR#e63f29]"Hm. You're right. Using a tool is more likely, but we didn't find one after all that searching. Also, I haven't even seen Tyler since Rambo's remains were found. What is he, hidin'? Or did he find some secret of his own?"[/COLOR]
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
03-14-2022, 00:01:56 AM
"Your elaborate deduction I might add, so you'll excuse me if I'm not jumping to trust your judgement. 'Least with the cookie there was a shitton of evidence."
Stupid doomed timeline...
03-14-2022, 02:27:49 AM
I didn't deny that. I did catch the cookie though. The point is, you don't have to be all performative about your total lack of confidence in me when I haven't even selected a suspect to pursue. It's dubious behavior on your part.
Also there wasn't a "shitton" of evidence, there was crumbs and crumbs again and that's it. I hate to ask this... No, that's a lie, I love to ask this. Do you count like a specific group of hunter-gatherers? Because you're being very "zero, one, many" with how you define a shitton. I am the They who says it!
03-14-2022, 02:32:20 AM
"Oh right, you like the fuckin specific number shit. There was crumbs, then there was more crumbs, then the cookie smelled like booze the next day after bashing in that Tom guy's head. But there was actual evidence and shit which there wasn't for Spamton. And if you'd died instead of Reina that first night somebody else woulda gone after the cookie either that day instead of Spamton or the next. But hey, if braggin about how fuckin good a detective you are makes you feel better than go ahead."
To say Mila was in a bad mood today... would be an understatement.
Stupid doomed timeline...
03-14-2022, 02:34:36 AM
"Maybe the reason <Lindy> was willing to vote <Poison Cookie> off is that he was trying to <How To Gain Trust With Your Enemies!> after <THE SAVIOR> received an <Acid Bath>! <Opinion:> I feel like <Man Fairy> is the most likely <Sus>. Have any <Confess or Burn> to make, Tyler?"
03-14-2022, 02:41:39 AM
Wow, you're just straight up wishing I'd died instead of some other person now okay cool
I'm glad your house burned down and I hope your new homeless status leads to brutalization and torture by law enforcement because not living indoors is heavily criminalized. Anyway, that aside, we got the killer and you have literally nothing to complain about. Anyway, any evidence could have been fabricated is the issue. Even a lack of evidence could have been fabricated. But again, we're on "how many levels does the killer think on", so that's not going to help, because you're going to whine about that being unfair and number-y or something. We're at what, 5-1 right now? So we can afford a mistake. Hell, we can afford two because of the services we can blow our pitiful wage on. Anyway, the point being that I don't think we've found all the evidence and you're not looking for evidence while demanding we find more. So uhh... whatever, "your grand high majesty". >Look through Mila's burned-out house with the caved in roof to see if any evidence-looking things survived that. I am the They who says it!
03-14-2022, 02:44:03 AM
"All I know is I've got a fuckin headache, probably broke my nose, yanked out a chunk of hair, and don't have a house any more. So yeah, maybe I shouldn't have snapped but fuck say somethin actually helpful, like Steve's trying to do. I think. The way he talks ain't helping my headache. But if Tyler's a Capper and did run a background check, Steve's a Capper. If Tyler's a liar and used a background check excuse as a cover... he'd still be the only yarddog left and Steve's still a Capper. So he's the only one that's got one fuckin fraction of trust outta me right now, unless some kinda bribery bullshit happened."
She's just gonna flip the bird at Lindsey as they walk off.
Stupid doomed timeline...
03-14-2022, 02:47:04 AM
>Look through Mila's burned-out house with the caved in roof to see if any evidence-looking things survived that. (Lindsey)
Somehow you do. You find another pair of shoes, a burnt up blender and another rifle.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
03-14-2022, 02:49:53 AM
...another? Is this to throw us off, or...and is the blender just caught in the crosshair of the situation or something else?
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.
quote listW H O T U R N E D O N T H E L I G H T S E N D L E S S F U N ENTITY SUCCUMBED; INVALID She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed
03-14-2022, 02:54:48 AM
Wait wait wait a second rifle? What?
>Second Rifle? Is this one the real murder weapon? I am the They who says it!
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