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[Mafia] Close Circle 2
"Ugh, gross...looks like they tried to do that thing they potray in crime shows where you soak the dead body in acid and shit. Why dump it here, though? Some hiding place."

> Look for acid.
If you hear about someone putting characters through intense despair and misery, then that someone is probably me.
> Look for acid. (Lucky)

Doesn't seem like there's any acid.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Eugh! I <Sniff> an <Occupational Safety and Health Administration> violation! Putting <Rambo's Original Innards> in a Can of <Fucking Rubbish> is illegal, <Yes Sir-y>! Speaking of which, invest in <Sanitary Cleaning Solutions> today!"

> is there anything strange in the blood soup?
> is there anything strange in the blood soup? (Steve)

As you inspect it, you tip it over and you spill it all over yourself. It looks like it's melted flesh and also whatever else was in that liquid, it's burning your skin. You better get that treated and fast. And on top of that, there's a skeleton and a few other things.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>find a place to uh... be sick. you know, tossing cookies and all that lovely imagery
Stupid doomed timeline...

> get to the nearest shower
>find a place to uh... be sick. (Mila)

You throw up at some bushes near Rambo's house.

> get to the nearest shower (Steve)

You shower off that substance that burns you.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Ah, good. Not bleeding everywhere. Uh... Rambo. Yes. Dead. Anyway, next on the agenda... huh. I guess investigation.

>Check out those sausages. Is there any way to figure out what killed Rambo from those?
I am the They who says it!
>Check out those sausages. Is there any way to figure out what killed Rambo from those? (Lindsey)

They look like they are cooked and have some bone chunks in them. And for investigation purposes, you take a bite out of one. Aside from the bone chunks inside, there's nothing in them that shows that they're poisoned. They do however taste like pork.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
"Okay, that's... I'd say better but the only way this is gonna be even one fraction better is to catch the last fuckin Yarddog."

At the risk of injuring herself again somehow, Mila's going to

> go back to trying to find tracks/prints that aren't explained by the current investigating. Older ones, or ones going towards another of the houses as though someone returned there after killing.
Stupid doomed timeline...
> go back to trying to find tracks/prints that aren't explained by the current investigating. Older ones, or ones going towards another of the houses as though someone returned there after killing. (Mila)

Going down the houses, you start off at Steve's and you do see some footprints there.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Delicious. Also possibly human flesh, which I hear is pork-tasting. Or maybe it's just really cheap meat. Actually, humans outnumber pigs, so human meat would be pretty cheap. Huh. You know, this is less gross than bleeding on everything I touch, so... Uhh... I guess I have bad standards. Hope that wasn't organ meat or something, don't want to get kuru or something. You know, assuming this really is human meat. It might not be. Probably. Hopefully.

>Try to figure out whether or not the meat grinder is the murder weapon
I am the They who says it!
>Try to figure out whether or not the meat grinder is the murder weapon (Lindsey)

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Well, that was enlightening. So, Steve prints you say, Mila?

>check those out
I am the They who says it!
"Footprints at <My Comfy House>? FINE! I gave <Lindsey from Tripford> and <Bugs Bunny> a <Free Bus Tour> last night! Results were <Null>! But do the <PrintFoots> match... <Moi>?

> compare your feet to the footprints
Mila's also going to

>check out Steve's prints... and his house while she's at it.
Stupid doomed timeline...
>check those out (Lindsey)

They do appear to be medium-sized footprints, but as you investigate, you scuff them up. Be careful.

> compare your feet to the footprints (Steve)

You're not able to tell.

>check out Steve's prints... and his house while she's at it. (Mila)

The prints are medium size, though looking at Steve's feet.... where are his shoes anyway?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
I'm from Oregon. Don't know where Tripford is. I mean, I know where it is, it's a city, but I couldn't tell you a thing about it. Are you predicting the future? Because if so, cool, can you tell me the lottery numbers for the next year or so? Anyway, whatever, next item, uhh... don't scuff those prints, and check out... well, I don't know what.

>Check out the trash can sludge, see what that's about.
I am the They who says it!
Steve takes a look at his feet and realizes he's not wearing shoes.

"Oh <Crudageddon>! Who took my <Handy Dandy Shoes>? I never take off my <Sneakers>, even when I'm <Bundled Up> in bed!"

> search for your shoes
>Check out the trash can sludge, see what that's about. (Lindsey)

What remains that wasn't spilled on Steve earlier, it seems like it has some kind of melted flesh and there's still the skeleton there.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
> search for your shoes (Steve)

In the trash can, you do find something that do appear to be shoes, but they are so dissolved, it's hard to tell if they belonged to you.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
As the kids are saying, and I am also saying, "spooky". Anyway, cool. And mildly gross, melted flesh is never fun to look at. I mean, unless you're looking, at like, some good food product made out of melted flesh I guess. I'm sure there's something like that. That Skeleton Rambo?

>Is that Skeleton Rambo?
I am the They who says it!
>Is that Skeleton Rambo? (Lindsey)

It could be
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>Are there any prints or anything that would indicate Steve's house could've been broken into to steal his shoes?
Stupid doomed timeline...
>Are there any prints or anything that would indicate Steve's house could've been broken into to steal his shoes? (Mila)

You can't tell
I like bananas. They're yellow.

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