08-11-2021, 21:40:04 PM
you thiink he wouldnt liie about hii2 role iif he diid turn out two be a 2la2her? and iif he2 not he ii2nt goiing two kiill you. iif he doe2 turn out two have kiilled 2omeone here or iif he doe2 2o on a future niight then he can be executed. but iif he2 not a 2la2her he ha2 two 2tiick two the rule2 of the game. 2ame a2 you do, 2ame a2 ii do, 2ame a2 everybody here doe2.
Not having enough evidence from today's crime, and the destroyed evidence from the prior day not even having anything to DO with the crimes, for now Sollux is also going to
/skip voting
Not having enough evidence from today's crime, and the destroyed evidence from the prior day not even having anything to DO with the crimes, for now Sollux is also going to
/skip voting
Stupid doomed timeline...