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LETS GOOOOOOOO (General hangout thread)
There's a dusty being cute at me.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Good morning everyone (or night if you're in a different timezone).
I can't think of anything clever.
Hello, welcome to the end of 2021. The events for the day include: shredding all signs with the number 2021 on it; Ensuring our bank balances does NOT include any instance of the number 2021; And a game of chance where we roll 30 D100s - Anyone who rolls the number 2021 will see an instant loss and will have to forfeit all that they have bet.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
at least it wasn't 2020
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
I'm going to ....mildly miss 2021.
I can't think of anything clever.
2021 brought us the TROUBLE CUBE
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
what a year this year has been. it has definitely been a year
hey who turned out the lights?
Good morning, everyone.

Superjohn, it's time to post answers in YIAY on TVT.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
I can't think of anything clever.
2020 was a year of... many realizations.
A, I was trans.
B, I hated shoes.
C, I must be stopped at all costs, lest someone prey on me again.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
2021 was:
*the year I finally realized my sexual orientation and gender identity after years of confusion
*the year I finally moved out of my parents' house
*the year I got my first job
*the year I fell in love with transformers again
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
also the year of my obsession with lucien lachance and prowl
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
2021 was more eventful for me than any other year. From memory:
  • I created a wider variation of stuff, including (but not limited to): A D&D Campaign (Which sucked 'cuz I created it solo); 3D art.
  • I realized that I happened to be part
    furryNot COMPLETELY, just partially one. Will be making my own fursona in 2022, though.
    (DON'T @ ME, PPL!!).
  • I wound up re-invested in some old interests of mine, including my very first one: TRAINS! (Fav train turned out to be the Mallard).
  • Changed my favourite colour from Green to Yellow after realizing that more of my interests involved the latter colour than the former (The Simpsons, Spongebob Squarepants, to name a few).
  • Wound up developing a LOT more lore for my OCs than I thought, enough to get a college tutor to say that it could work as it's own Cinematic Universe (as in, something akin to the MCU).
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
New year's resolution for 2022: Get at least one piece of art that I'm genuinely proud of posted online. If I succeed that, I'll try to either "get to the point where I can have commissions open" or "create one of my many non-fanfic story ideas".

If I manage to keep consistently practicing every day, I should be able to do it.
My resolution is to finally be able to be myself. Even if I take my first estrogen pill on the 31st at 11:59, I will have fulfilled it.

I fucking need boobs and hips.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
2021 was a... okay year for me. The most important things that happened was getting my vaccine shots and moving back to Illinois.
I can't think of anything clever.
Yeah, I think the biggest thing for me may have been just... realizing I was aromantic? Starting college? Anxiety increasing?
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
...I don't even know if I'm gonna make it through next year sometimes.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
I'm depressed. Sorry. Don't know why I said that
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
If you need to talk to someone please do that. A lot of us have been through or are going through what you're going through. You're not alone.
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
Thanks. That helped...
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
Tostitos and M&Ms probably don't mix together all that well.
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
I've heard of worst combinations.
I can't think of anything clever.
Yes please remember none of us are mental health pros and also we have a vent thread.
Stupid doomed timeline...

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