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LETS GOOOOOOOO (General hangout thread)
(03-01-2021, 21:20:40 PM)madface7 Wrote: Yes.

My humanity is entirely gone. Only cat is left behind.

The cutest kind of transhumanism.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
[Image: 524236c692d622dc3f051e8ef9583022.png] ...I regret nothing.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
(03-01-2021, 21:38:31 PM)Despair's Archon of Memes Wrote: [Image: 524236c692d622dc3f051e8ef9583022.png] ...I regret nothing.

Reject humanity, become hot british vampire.
I can't think of anything clever.
(03-01-2021, 21:39:32 PM)Superjohn 2.0 Wrote: Reject humanity, become hot british vampire.

Reject humanity, become Spike!
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
well I mean I'm already a vampire so now I just need to become hot and British.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Or alternatively, reject humanity and become a tall lady vampire.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
You could also be hot and Eastern European.

Hotness is necessary for modern vampires, unless you're going old school.
I can't think of anything clever.
(03-01-2021, 21:49:24 PM)Superjohn 2.0 Wrote: Hotness is a necessary for modern vampires, unless you're going old school.

Reject humanity, become Count Orlok!
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
is 5'7" tall enough or should I cheat and put on high heels?
Stupid doomed timeline...
(03-01-2021, 21:52:21 PM)Kennifer Wrote: is 5'7" tall enough or should I cheat and put on high heels?

Just get some stilts.
I can't think of anything clever.
Lol that works too.
Stupid doomed timeline...
(03-01-2021, 21:52:21 PM)Kennifer Wrote: is 5'7" tall enough or should I cheat and put on high heels?

No, you need to be taller. I recommend push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of blood.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
100 pushups!

100 situps!

100 cups of blood!
I can't think of anything clever.
mmmm, blood...

damn it now I'm thirsty
Stupid doomed timeline...
By the way, this may sound out of left field, but what are your opinions on body horror, especially the more visceral types (The Thing, Resident Evil etc.)? I myself am oddly fascinated by monstrous bodily mutation and transformation.

And if you must know, the reason this came to mind was all the talk about blood.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
It can be interesting and very chilling if done well, like a lot of horror tropes. Oddly it's not one of the things I tend to seek out intentionally but if it happens it's like "Huh ok that was pretty cool".

and mmm blood...
Stupid doomed timeline...
Body horror can be the creepiest horror for me.

Probably why I like The Thing.
I can't think of anything clever.
Speaking of body horror and vampires, there's a film called Society that you may find interesting, Oz. Its premise is basically, "what if the rich and powerful were literally soulless monsters feeding off of the lower classes?"

And I think that's interesting because that's the basic premise behind vampires. They're usually portrayed as cultured aristocrats living in decadent, decaying castles, who only go out to feed off of the local peasants who live in fear of them (when they're not revolting with torches and pitchforks in hand). And they're often hyper-sexual, too. Society is basically a modern updating of the vampire legends of old, where the monsters are upper-class yuppies who are secretly shapeshifting, cannibalistic, sexually depraved monsters.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
I've heard of The Society, mostly from the Dead Meat episode.
I can't think of anything clever.
Not that you're a cannibalistic, sexually depraved monster, Oz. Just the creepy, psychopathic vampires of legend, which you are definitely not.
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
Mothman, there's no need to feel down

I said Mothman lift that man off the ground.

I can't think of anything clever.

Sounds interesting, at any rate.
Stupid doomed timeline...
might play some taiko later
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Awwww I love Mothman

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

got some dinner cooking
Stupid doomed timeline...

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