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Poll: (NON-BINDING) Allow non-fatal elimination events? TVT HGS bans them, for reference.
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I'll quit if they're allowed.
0 0%
I'd prefer they be forbidden.
6 25.00%
I don't really care.
11 45.83%
I'd prefer they be allowed.
7 29.17%
I'll quit if they're forbidden.
0 0%
Total 24 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Hunger Games Simulator - Trouble Cube Edition
Maou (from Taiko no Tatsujin)
Maou (from Chargeman Ken)

Both male and safe
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
(Mr.) Bill (male; safe)
Bill (male; safe)

TVT OG Events (14)
* (Player1) (saves/saves/saves/saves/save1) (Player2) from choking by performing the Heimlich maneuver.
* (Player1) (spends/spends/spends/spends/spend1) the day solving a newspaper puzzle.
* (Player1) (spends/spends/spends/spends/spend1) the night solving a newspaper puzzle.
* (Player1) (reveals/reveals/reveals/reveals/reveal1) to (Player2) that the former (is/is/is/is/are1) (a robot/a robot/a robot/a robot/robots1).
* (Player1) and (Player2) try to escape the arena with their makeshift wings, but (Player1) (flies/flies/flies/flies/fly1) too close to the sun, causing [typeC1] wings to fall apart. (Player2) (tries/tries/tries/tries/try2) to save [typeB1] but [typeA2] (falls/falls/fall/falls/fall2) to [typeC2] (death/death/death/death/deaths2) as well. (Day only)
* (Player1) (screams/screams/screams/screams/scream1) loudly, causing (Player2) to scream loudly as well. They end up screaming at each other.
* (Player1) (shoots/shoots/shoots/shoots/shoot1) (Player2) in the (butt/butt/butt/butt/butts2) with (a tranquilizer dart/a tranquilizer dart/a tranquilizer dart/a tranquilizer dart/tranquilizer darts1), knocking [typeB2] unconscious. (non-fatal)
* (Player1) sarcastically (compliments/compliments/compliments/compliments/compliment1) (Player2)'s (hat/hat/hat/hat/hats2). (Player2) (gets/gets/gets/gets/get2) even by stealing [typeC1] (face/face/face/face/faces1). (fatal) (this and the below 2 events are ASDFMovie refs)
* (Player1) (tells/tells/tells/tells/tell1) (Player2), (Player3), (Player4), and (Player5) to do the flop! (non-fatal)
* (Player1) (tells/tells/tells/tells/tell1) (Player2) that there's something on [typeC2] (face/face/face/face/faces2), then (punches/punches/punches/punches/punch1) [typeB2]. IT WAS PAIN!
* (Player1) (serenades/serenades/serenades/serenades/serenade1) (Player2). (This and the below 2 events are blacklisted)
* (Player1) (asks/asks/asks/asks/ask1) (Player2) out on the date. (Player2) (says/says/says/says/say2) yes.
* (Player1) (asks/asks/asks/asks/ask1) (Player2) out on the date. (Player2) (says/says/says/says/say2) no and (friendzones/friendzones/friendzones/friendzones/friendzone2) [typeB1].
* (Player1), (Player2), and (Player3) play tug of war against (Player4), (Player5), and (Player6) over a ravine. The former team wins.

TVT Reboot Events (15)
* (Player1) (changes/changes/changes/changes/change1) the plumbing of (Player2)'s (shower/shower/shower/shower/showers2) to redirect the sewage line to (it/it/it/it/them2).
* (Player1) (dumps/dumps/dumps/dumps/dump1) garbage from the top of the waterfall where (Player2) (is/is/is/is/are2) showering.
* (Player1) (gets/gets/gets/gets/get1) the hiccups.
* (Player1) (gets/gets/gets/gets/get1) the hiccups. [TypeA1] (cures/cures/cure/cures/cure1) it by holding [typeC1] (nose/nose/nose/nose/noses1) while drinking water.
* (Player1) (tries/tries/tries/tries/try1) the most elaborate way to cure (Player2)'s hiccups. [TypeA1] (succeeds/succeeds/succeed/succeeds/succeed1).
* (Player1) (tries/tries/tries/tries/try1) the most elaborate way to cure (Player2)'s hiccups. [TypeA1] (fails/fails/fail/fails/fail1).
* (Player1) (orders/orders/orders/orders/order1) (Player2) to die before stomping on (head/head/head/head/heads2). (Fatal, this and the below 2 events are ASDFMovie refs)
* (Player1) (orders/orders/orders/orders/order1) (Player2) to die, but (Player2) (points/points/points/points/point2) (a gun/a gun/a gun/a gun/guns2) at [typeB1] and (says/says/says/says/say2), "Not today."
* (Player1) (orders/orders/orders/orders/order1) (Player2) to die, but (Player2) (points/points/points/points/point2) (a gun/a gun/a gun/a gun/guns2) at [typeB1] and (says/says/says/says/say2), "Not tonight."
* Upon seeing (Player1) freak out, (Player2) (asks/asks/asks/asks/ask2) if [typeA1] (has/has/have/has/have1) gone (Player1)-nanas. (My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever)
* (Player1) and (Player2) set up (Player3) and (Player4) for an arranged marriage. (This and the below event are blacklisted)
* (Player1) and (Player2) object to their marriage arranged by (Player3) and (Player4). The wedding is off!
* (Player1) (chases/chases/chases/chases/chase1) (Player2) out of [typeC1] camp with (a chainsaw/a chainsaw/a chainsaw/a chainsaw/chainsaws1), yelling, "HEY HEY HEY STAY OUTTA (MY/MY/MY/MY/OUR1) CAMP!!!" (Pony.MOV)
* (Player1) (cries/cries/cries/cries/cry1) out, "It's over now, isn't it? Isn't it over?" (Steven Universe, not blacklisted despite the reference as they could've simply given up in general)

TC Originals (1)
* (Player1) and (Player2) give (Player3) the "Nasty Patty", or a synchronized tag-team double-cheek punch.

Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
  1. (Player1) suddenly remember(s/s/s/s/1) [typeA1] left the stove on.
  2. (Player1) stick(s/s/s/s/1) silly stickers on (Player2)'s bac(k/k/k/k/ks2)
  3. As (Player1) get(s/s/s/s/1) ready to fight (Player2), (Player3) appear(s/s/s/s/3) next to them, flash step(s/s/s/s/3) behind (Player1) and punch(es/es/es/es/3) [typeB1] high up in the air before fighting (Player2). [Lost Judgment]
  4. (Player1) angrily complain(s/s/s/s/1) that taking part in these games is not in [typeC1] contrac(t/t/t/t/ts1).
  5. (Player1) wake(s/s/s/s/1) up (Player2) in the middle of (a/a/a/a/their2) drea(m/m/m/m/ms2). (Player2) complain(s/s/s/s/2) that [typeA2] forgot the drea(m/m/m/m/ms2).
  6. Upon killing (Player1), (Player2) tell(s/s/s/s/2) [typeB1] "You know what you did."
  7. (Player1) go(es/es/es/es/1) to a restaurant and order(s/s/s/s/1) some food. Upon getting the wrong food, [typeA1] say(s/s/s/s/1) "No! I don't want that!" and quickly slide(s/s/s/s/1) the food away.
  8. (Player1) order(s/s/s/s/1) a glass of water. [TypeA1] eats the entire glass.
  9. (Player1) order(s/s/s/s/1) a can of soda. [TypeA1] eats the entire can.
  10. (Player1) ask(s/s/s/s/1) for some salt. [TypeA1] eats the entire salt shaker.
  11. Upon hearing (Player1) say something insulting about (Player2), (Player3) stab(s/s/s/s/1) (Player1)'s han(d/d/d/d/ds1) with (a/a/a/a/1) kni(fe/fe/fe/fe/ves1). [Yakuza 3]
  12. After a snack gets stuck in a vending machine, (Player1) break(s/s/s/s/1) the vending machine and grab(s/s/s/s/1) as many snacks as [typeA1] can carry.
  13. (Player1) wear(s/s/s/s/1) shoes that make meowing sounds as [typeA1] walks. [Yakuza]
  14. As (Player1) approach(es/ea/es/es/1), (Player2) yell(s/s/s/s/2) "Oh no! It's (Player1)!" while looking and pointing in a completely different direction.
  15. (Player1) T-pose(s/s/s/s/1) while eating strawberry leaves in front of (Player2).
  16. (Player1) shoplift(s/s/s/s/1) at (Player2)'s shop by literally lifting the whole shop.
  17. (Player1) drop(s/s/s/s/1) (a/a/a/a/2) saf(e/e/e/e/es2) on (Player2), but [typeA2] just opens the saf(e/e/e/e/es2) from the inside and walk(s/s/s/s/2) away.
  18. As (Player1) is about to sit down on a chair, (Player2) pull(s/s/s/s/2) the chai(r/r/r/r/rs2) away.
  19. After (Player1) break(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2)'s beloved (Player3) figurine, (Player1) and (Player4) bury it as (Player2) return(s/s/s/s/2).
  20. (Player1) die(s/s/s/s/1) of [typeC1] own deat(h/h/h/h/hs1).
  21. (Player1) came here to eat (Player2) and then destroy [typeB1] city. (not a typo, [typeB1] is intended to refer to P1 themselves) [Book of Mario]
  22. (Player1) kill(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2) with a randomly selected fatal event.
  23. (Player1) overwrite(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2)'s save fil(e/e/e/e/es2).
  24. (Player1) overwrite(s/s/s/s/1) (Player2)'s save fil(e/e/e/e/es2). (Player2) kills [typeB1] for it.
  25. (Player1) plays Rock Paper Scissors in front of a mirror and somehow loses.
  26. (Player1) write(s/s/s/s/1) a self-insert fic set in (Player2)'s universe.
  27. (Player1) (warns/warns/warns/warns/warn1) (Player2) that (Player3) (is/is/is/is/are3) plotting to kill [typeB2], but (Player2) do(es/es/es/es/2)n't believe [typeB1].
  28. As (Player1) is about to eat, (Player2) suddenly appears in [typeC1] food and tells [typeB1] a weird fact. (Player1) loses [typeC1] appetite. (also Feast event) [Mameshiba]
  29. And if you'll excuse (Player1), [typeA1]'s going to throw [typeD1] into the ocean now. (fatal) [Unraveled]
  30. (Player1) (ruins/ruins/ruins/ruins/ruin1) (Player2)'s nam(e/e/e/e/es2) by changing, adding or removing one letter

Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Oh yeah, should mention that nominations and event submissions are now closed!
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
Here are our tributes for the Name's the Same Season, most of them sharing a name with another tribute! Who will win?

* Mr. Bill starts by making the Bloodbath live up to its name, and hits Waddle Dee with a sickle
* Hitomi grabs a bunch of food
* Tulio decides to stay and see if there's some resources to grab
* Link and Elise just gotta see for themselves what this is really all about
* Jupiter starts floating... backwards?
* Oh no, King can now shapeshift!
* Woah, Waddle Doos must be really terrifying to scare Hades away...
* I'm guessing it's still safer than the Hunger Games though
* Hoshiguma seems to be afraid of clowns
* And the other Maou gets a weapon
* Another early kill, as Goldie kills the escaping Elise
* Uh, good luck with that, Steve
* Oh damn, the Bill really powered up now!
* Stan does a cartwheel
* Lots of scaring going on here
* Geno Breaker is feeling great!
* But Stan isn't even drawn with a nose!
* The other Hades also gets scared away
* Let's blow some stuff up!
* Aww, the kitty got a ... sickle?

Day 1
* Why would an animal be in there anyway?
* Yeah, you'd probably need a lot of stabs to kill a planet
* Heh, nice pun
* When your attacks fail. try stabbing! RIP Hitomi
* Goldy? Goldi? Man, this is just too hard!
* No mercy when fighting King!
* Should have picked another day for that, Hades
* Cosplay time!
* Hm, does it taste any good?
* Who wants to trade with the kity?
* That's right, he doesn't regret... staying behind for resources!
* Who knew Boris liked pipis?
* Let's see how long that lasts...
* But it's February!
* Ow!
* First breaking noses and then ruining dream jounals, what will Young Link do next?
* Hitomi Chris finds some sais and does some stabbing, RIP Captain Planet
* Careful with those teleporters!
* The secret Adrien Underground Lab, only Adriens allowed
* Link should have watched out for that robot... RIP
* Yeah, that's right! You just don't get Saurer's humor!
* And it ends with Hades doing a murder... on President Snow!

Waddle Dee, Elise (Sonic), Jupiter (planet), Hitomi (zombie catgirl), Captain Planet, and Link
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
jupiter noooooooo
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
rip in pepperonis zombieket

she will arise of course, but she still loses the game
Captain Planet is not your hero
I like bananas. They're yellow.
What the heck Elise who taught you that!?
Interesting how the first blood is the weakest enemy in his home series.
Shadowsan was right when he said the Cleaners fear nothing if Boris was able to spook Hades of all people.
Not great nor grave. Just grey.

Steve the Monkey: (funky dancing stops)
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
Sorry for the wait, but here's a double update!

Night 1 (tc) (imgur)
* President Snow is so old... so old he's DEAD!
* So which one is it?
* Looks like the Zelda series has some new game mechanics
*Get ready, Bill!
* The monkey-bird flies around to spy on everyone else...
* Huh, interesting mashup idea...
* Watch out that your version of time travel doesn't age and de-age you as you go!This has been a PSA from Elise
* Aww, the cat and dog cast protective spells on each other!
* Mario Kart, the game of broken friendships... and sometimes murder. RIP Mordecai
* Turning people into fish - is this one of the Juralians' new plots against humans?
* Hades decides to give Maou a hug... by rushing at him.
* Imagine that thing riding a pony though
* But what did the radio do?
* Woah, Steve, that's a bit much! RIP Tulio
* The classic cartoon character dies an appropriately toony death, RIP Boris
* Mr. Bill takes camp painting very seriously
* Close one for Hoshiguma!
* I mean, don't those happen every game?
* Legendary star weapon!
* Hades thinks Hitomi is kinda trash
* Waddle Doo's powered up eye beam!
* Dance time!

Day 2 (tc) (imgur)
* The Planeteers are up against a new villain, but let him finish his call first
* Ah yes, the classic trick... RIP Mr. Bill, shot during Mr. Bill Season
* So would that mean Mordecai's smart or not?
* Adrien's new attack does... NOTHING!
* Elise turns Hitomi's name into... Hitmi, you know, like "hit me"? Ow!
* Damn, Stan, how many dead souls do you need?
* Young Link at it again with the destruction
* Steve never liked you after all, he just dislikes you less that the others
* King is feeling pretty cold
* There can only be one Hades in these games! The loser is the Disney one, RIP
* Hey, Maou could probably get some customers for that
* Hoshiguma holds Hades's dead skull

Deaths (tc) (imgur): Mordecai (cat), Tulio (ornithologist), Boris (cartoon wolf), Mr. Bill, Hades (Disney)

Night 2 (tc) (imgur)

* That tribute fusion is no match for Young Link!
* Tulio attacks Maou! Hurting him a bit is better than not hurting him at all, I guess?
* Oof, that sounds painful...
* Just making one kind of food sounds like it would get boring after a while, even if it's your favorite
* Funny invisibility pranks!
* It's fine, Stan, event formatting can be hard
* So what would be an acceptable level?
* Aww, a group hug for Adrien!
* Guess Bill isn't a cookie thief after all... if you can trust him.
* Oh no, bird clowns!

Day 3 (tc) (imgur)

* Oh no, seems the Planeteers all got killed by King! And Jupiter doesn't even remember them!
* Waddle Doo is spoooooky
* Elise finds a... weird toy. Who would even combine her with Maou, of all characters?
* Bill gets saved from a hole, just hope he's waterproof
* Looks like math isn't Hades's strong suit
* Stan does not like having his haircut insulted by a monkey, and ends up hurting Steve more than intended... don't worry, Steve's ok!
* Oooh, statue secrets!
* King attacks Goldie with a motorcycle
* Yuugi saves the other Hoshiguma from choking
* She may not be part of Hololive anymore, but that doesn't mean she can't be a [BIG SHOT]!
* Young Link does Link things
* Oof
* ...Should have been more careful with what you eat, Adrien

Deaths: (tc) (imgur) The Planeteers, Adrien (murderverse OC)
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers
>Adrien Agreste dancing in an emo outfit
isn't that just Cat Noir lol
Of course I get out by the second update
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Farewell, Boris the wolf, went out in incredibly appropriate cartoon style.

Ouch, looks like the other Boris is spending the rest of the games without his lower legs.
Not great nor grave. Just grey.

And so continue the games! Onto update 3! (Or 4? Eh whatever, let's do this!)

NIGHT THREE: Imgur | Postimg | TC image
Night 3
[Image: unknown.png]

Game night! Nice!

[Image: unknown.png]

That's an odd delicacy but I doubt that assault is the appropriate answer.

[Image: unknown.png]

It's Hoshiguma x Hoshiguma. What are the odds?

[Image: unknown.png]

Hades Miser is too much.

[Image: unknown.png]

Mordecai puts his feathers on his beak nostrils and drinks to get rid of his hiccups.

[Image: unknown.png]

Maou pulls a "No, U" with an Uno card.

[Image: unknown.png]

Whichever it is, he probably deserves it.

[Image: unknown.png]

Hitomi and Jupiter become doctors for the night. Their demon patient might've been fine regardless but at least everyone wins.

[Image: unknown.png]

That's as profane as Steve's translator can get. Unfortunately that's the last thing he says. RIP Steve the monkey.

[Image: unknown.png]

Waddle Doo looks fairly mutated already to be frank.

[Image: unknown.png]

That's badass, Captain Stan with both Genos at his command!

DAY FOUR: Imgur | Postimg | TC image
Day 4
[Image: unknown.png]

Solid advice, King.

[Image: unknown.png]

Stan Marsh can't be knocked out that easily.

[Image: unknown.png]

Two blondes play chess and the girl wins.

[Image: unknown.png]

And that's a wrap! Stan Smith is cracked through the camera and out of the games!

[Image: unknown.png]

I didn't know he could do that - but he is too much. :P

[Image: unknown.png]

Sounds like the sadistic endeavour Boris would engage in, but he doesn't finish the job. Not yet anyway.

[Image: unknown.png]

Mordecai gets a bit too cocky about his body smarts. RIP.

[Image: unknown.png]

It's suddenly really bloody today, even Waddle Doo's in on the action! RIP Young Link.

[Image: unknown.png]

Might those apples be golden? :P

[Image: unknown.png]

Hard to stay healthy when the teleporter's poor at stabilising your molecules.

[Image: unknown.png]

Jupiter's thinking ahead in a sense, haha.

[Image: unknown.png]

Bloody hell Bill! RIP Elise.

[Image: unknown.png]

Well that's one way of remembering new words.

THE FALLEN: Steve (the monkey), Stan Smith, Mordecai, Young Link, Elise
Remaining tributes: 20
Not great nor grave. Just grey.

So basically, SP!Stan absorbed Mr. Bill, wolf!Boris, Tulio Monteiro, Mordecat, adult!Link, Captain Planet, and Zombietomi's souls.

Also, Steve bein' a cold-blooded murderer aside, every last thing he cooked turned into bananas! RIP Steve the Monkey Pigeon, tho.
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
F for the most American of Dads lol

and Stan Marsh what are you even doing.
Stupid doomed timeline...
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
Have at thee, update!

NIGHT FOUR: Imgur | Postimg | TC image

Night 4
[Image: unknown.png]
Good evening, Maou the Woz! 

[Image: unknown.png]
Surf's up! 😎🐢 

[Image: unknown.png]
I guess the hook-up with the other Hoshiguma didn't last. King's kind enough to help in her change of heart. 

[Image: unknown.png]
Whew! That was close! 

[Image: unknown.png]
Stan Marsh remains ever anomalous and lives to see another day. 

[Image: unknown.png]
Goldie uses her newest laser gadget on Bill the bill. RIP. 

[Image: unknown.png]
Hitomi hinders her eventual demise, for now anyway. 

[Image: unknown.png]
Goldie unfortunately dies to a nonfatal event, RIP.

[Image: unknown.png]
What adorable ice-skating! 

[Image: unknown.png]
Sounds like quite the adventure.

[Image: unknown.png]
Here we have Adrien's basic joke, and King's basic insult.

[Image: unknown.png]
Uh oh. What mess is he cleaning up over here? 

[Image: unknown.png]
Dove has been found, mondegreens be damned. 

DAY FIVE: Imgur | Postimg | TC image
Day 5
[Image: unknown.png]
King dies to Geno Breaker in battle. 
[Image: unknown.png]
Honestly I wouldn't have thought of Steve being either of those. 
[Image: unknown.png]
The other King has an interesting story to tell. 
[Image: unknown.png]
Perhaps it was from all the arguing earlier? 
[Image: unknown.png]
By all means, Linda Belcher was an impressive victor last season though. 
[Image: unknown.png]
Guess Waddle Doo will have to get those plans sometime else. 
[Image: unknown.png]
Weapons, including cleaning supplies. 
[Image: unknown.png]
RIP Tulio. That fungus was far more foul than fun. 
[Image: unknown.png]
I thought she was doing well, but oh well. RIP Yuugi Hoshiguma.
[Image: unknown.png]
The fact probably had something to do with his word tattoos. RIP Maou. 

[Image: unknown.png]
That wish sounds rather... problematic.

THE FALLEN: Bill the bill, Goldie, King, Tulio, Yuugi Hoshiguma, Chargeman Ken!Maou
Remaining tributes:14
Not great nor grave. Just grey.

So Geno Saurer banished Goldie the Dog to an underwater temple, where the guardians killed her. Meanwhile, Hoshiguma didn't take the other Hoshiguma leaving her for Steve well...
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
how the fuck is jupiter still alive
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
Yeah, I could see there being some cursed facts about Juralian biology... RIP Maou
Glitchy Bootleg Lasers

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