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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
>Look at the lockers
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
After finishing her lunch, Alexis also goes to

>check out the balcony.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Bow decides to...

>also check out balcony
Hm? What's this?

>Check out the pants with the knife in them
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Me pill. I can't function properly without me pill. And I don't got any here."
>go to the balcony [Ranma, Haruka, Alexis, Bow]
The balcony is small and has little of note. The satellite on one end and console on the other seem non-interactive; whatever they're doing, they're doing it without any apparent user input.

The most striking feature of the balcony is the edge. Oh, it's got a nice sturdy railing, so nobody'll be falling off by accident...

There really doesn't seem to be much else of interest on the balcony. Looking down, one can see that this place appears to be a high level in a tower; though just how high is unclear because a thick layer of clouds a few stories below blocks all view of the ground.

>walk towards Decontamination to get to the Reactor and the Lab [Bakugo]
The decontamination hallway appears to be disabled for the moment, as Bakugo passes through it without the doors closing or nozzles spraying as one might expect to happen.

>Look at the lockers [Cookie Monster, 4]
The lockers largely seem to just contain ordinary clothes.

>Check out the pants with the knife in them [Monika]
Well the pants are an ordinary-looking set of blue jeans.
... The knife? Oh, sure, the knife. It's an ordinary-looking folding pocket knife. Reasonably well cared for.

>ME PILL [Krabs]
Yes, Krabs, I gathered that much. Can you be more specific?
"Oh, I think pills are for sicknesses, usually."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Kellensea vents over to the medical bay to figure out the scanner thing's properties. For example, does it hold the person being scanned in place, or does that person just have to stand still of their own accord? Of course, she has many other questions she'd like answered, but that one's high on her list of priorities. After 

>checking out the scanner and trying it out on herself to see what results she gets from it, if any,

>she goes to the room directly north of medical and looks around.

Then, after those questions are answered, she goes back through the vents to the office.
I am the They who says it!
Monika goes ahead and decides to...

>Go to the Admin room
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
"Well, that's interesting. As interesting as some balcony can get anyways."

Haruka decides to > investigate the bedrooms.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Huh, I wonder what's at the bottom of this building. Probably nothing of note.

Bow decides to >check out the reactor next.
Looking down made Alexis feel a bit dizzy, so she'd then go to

>Investigate the medbay.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Ranma decided to call out in attempt to get someone to hear. And when that fails, he lets out a sigh and walks away from the balcony.

>He too is going to check out the admin room.
>check out the scanner [Kellensea]
A circle of light moves up from the scanning pad until it reaches Kellensea's head, then back down.

While it scans, a nearby computer screen lists off a bunch of information - height, weight, blood type, color (reported as "ERROR"), and some sort of ID number ("KEL-P9").

The scanning process holds her in place, but weakly - she could, in principle, break loose and end the scan early, and the resistance seems there more as a reminder than anything.

>go to the room directly north of medical [Kellensea]
That would be the comms room. The computers are currently focused on some kind of external communications program, but it's currently blinking a bunch of errors that suggest a relevant piece of hardware is missing.

>Go to the Admin room [Monika, Ranma]
The admin room contains several computer banks doing incomprehensible things, and a map of the establishment showing little dots indicating how many people are in each room. The dots don't seem to appear in hallways, though, making it a bit incomplete.

>investigate the bedrooms [Haruka]
The bedrooms really do seem entirely identical. On a whim, Haruka opens the desk drawer of one and finds a tool kit.

>check out the reactor [Bow]
It is loud. Probably volatile as heck.

>Investigate the medbay [Alexis]
Alexis just manages to spot Kellensea as she leaves, but with no time to interact.

She shakes her head and refocuses on her true objective - lying down to recover from her dizzy spell. This turns out simple enough, at least. The medbay has seven beds in it, and Alexis picks one to lie down on until her head stops spinning.

By the way, my voice echoes from nowhere and everywhere, since this is the first day and there's nothing to investigate but the building itself, I'm going to set a deadline for this day phase.

The sun will set on Murder HQ at 23:59 CT on 2/19 (~three days from this post)
Bakugo decides to look in the Lab first, see if there's anything to take note of.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Errr... probably not the best idea to mess with the reactor. Speaking of which, I'm bored. Are there any games here?

>Search for any forms of entertainment
>Mess with the reactor

"R is for Reactor! U is for Unsafe!"
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
Once she's got her bearings again, Alexis takes out her paper and pen and makes note of anything, well... notable in the Medbay, particularly the scanner.

She then goes to

>check out the Admin room (because this looks like a thing that would interest her...)
Stupid doomed timeline...
Hm. Right. Things to do. People to consider for immediate beating to death, categorization to categorize. Where stand we now?

Kellensea considers her options, and vents over to the lab, seeing as how she's thoroughly secured the office from all forms of entry and exit that don't involve the vent. So goes the life of an adventurer. She then begins to

>search for potentially explosive substances.

If she finds any, she'll pocket them. Then she'll head over to the medbay and

>Look for some medical supplies and pocket them too, in her enormous adventurer-scale inventory.

After all, her regen ring, though it functions now, is glowing rather alarmingly. It could be a sign of some issue, or it could just be raising her cancer risk or something similarly mundane. Either way, options are key, and as adventurers of her stripe say, "We do not plan for every eventuality, we just carry enough shit that something we have will solve the problem at hand."
I am the They who says it!
>Search for any forms of entertainment [Bow]
On a whim, Bow moves to Storage and rifles through the boxes a bit... One box contains various board games, several decks of cards, some poker chips, and miscellaneous figurines.

>Mess with the reactor [Cookie Monster, 9]
The lights flicker and dim, and an alarm sounds.

I materialize - actually two of me materialize - and place a hand on each of two scanners at opposite ends of the room. The lights go back to normal and the alarm stops.

Curiosity satisfied, Cookie? I say sardonically. I'm not doing that a second time.

>search the lab for potentially explosive substances [Kellensea, 8]
A quick search reveals several substances matching Kellensea's desires, and she quickly pockets a few of the most volatile-looking ones.

>look in the Lab first, see if there's anything to take note of [Bakugo]
Looks like Kellensea just vented out after ransacking the place. Every cabinet is open, and several of them have conspicuous empty spots from which she presumably grabbed something.

>Look for some medical supplies and pocket them too [Kellensea, 3]
Kellensea vents into medbay, startling Alexis as she was just about to leave.

>Alexis cancels "check out the Admin room"; interrupted by Kellensea.
Bakugo, in sheer shock over what just happened - as well as having seen the ransacked Lab - lets out a loud "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!?!"
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.

Okay, crawling around in the vents is apparently a thing, at least for adventurers?

"Okay, way to startle me... Kellensea, wasn't it?"

Alexis checked her notes to be sure.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Some games! Maybe I can set up camp in here.

Setting aside the game pieces for now, Bow fdecides to >skim over the other boxes in Storage for useful items.
I wonder if we could get any outside communication...


>walks over to the Communications room
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Turning towards Alexis for a moment, Kellensea stares... Or presumably she does, it's not really possible to tell, her goggles are far too tinted to make out anything beneath them.

Among things people call me, Kellensea leads by a fair margin, yes... Just here to get medical supplies, preferably a full kit, with scissors and bandages and such things, seeing as we don't have a cleric among us, at least, not one I know of and can trust. You are, of course, free to go, for now, unless you need something from me or this room. It can never hurt to have more gear on hand.

Kellensea, while talking, is constantly glancing at the entrances to the room and the corners, walls, and roof, presumably in case something or someone should be lurking there to strike at her. Her hand is constantly near a knife on one of her many belts, but still, she's evaluating the room for weapons. To put it succinctly, everything about her behavior indicates severe problems quite beyond her apparent bloodlust.
I am the They who says it!

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