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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
Monika is completely shaken.

I... Murder... I thought this was just going to be a fun university trip!
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
... Komaru just stares at Monika. Like she just saw her get shot in the head.

And she just sits like that for a minute or two, completely silent, mouth agape. Before turning back to the humanoid.

"But... but why?! Why are you doing this again?!"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Rosa also listens to the explanation, as well as read the pamphlet. Suddenly, she also looks traumatized as she gasps, with tears streaming from her eyes. She flashes back to her time in the Peterheim High, and how she heard about the cruelty of the one in charge of it, Mephisto.

She then says, "Don't say that this is..."

"Is this some kind of Hell? Am I chosen as the Ultimate Student Council President just to destroy this school under my watch again?"

"No, you are no different from that boy!" Rosa suddenly shouts to the host.
“I... was not aware of another Death Game being organised. Most distressing... Has there been a mistake? Or has perhaps the fate of the last one...”

Kai trails off at that thought, looking uncharacteristically disturbed.
[Image: bb0ecb42111c57f72c68ae22416ffcb828b3ff47.gif]
Oh, I've no affiliation with Hope's Peak or that Mephisto boy. I neither know nor particularly care why they hold their killing games. I'm holding this game to gather energy from powerful memories for my headmistress. I pause and frown. Wait, but this isn't a school. My host? It's not a hotel either... Eh, I'll figure that out later.
"I don't... that doesn't answer the question! I asked why you're doing this again! Why anyone would do anything like this again!"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Rosa is stunned when the host somehow knows Mephisto. Rosa soon asks, "how do you know him even though you have never encountered him?"

She also wonders about what she means with gathering memories. She has only heard about it as the fringes of Originium Arts back in RI.
I'm not doing anything again, child, I say to Komaru with a glare. Whoever you're thinking of, I'm not them. And I told you why I'm holding this killing game.

I then turn to Rosa. Wordlessly, I lean forward and tap her forehead.
I... I can't...

Suddenly, the stress and anxiety of the situation catches up to Monika, and the space around her starts sporadically glitching...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
Ranma had been silent since the announcement of this killing game. Upon hearing this, he stood up and let out a small tsk. "So that's your goal? Kidnapping a bunch of people to make them kill each other? Yeah, go to hell." No way in hell he's killing anyone. He decides to rush at the glowing figure and throw a punch, trying to take them out so this "killing game" nonsense doesn't happen.
Killing game, you say?

Kellensea doesn't even try to constrain her outright glee at the idea of being not only not dissuaded from, but actively encouraged TO, kill.

And you're doing this to collect memories of great strength? Not the oddest idea I've heard. Very... Villain-idea, but I'll play along. Anyone in particular I have to throw off this building, anyone you want dead now? And if I manage it, what rewards am I offered other than escape? More importantly, you are not joking, correct? I am permitted to kill people, as long as I think I won't leave enough evidence to get me executed? This is GREAT!
I am the They who says it!
The moment Ranma's fist makes contact with me, his body completely freezes.

Not happening.

I turn to Kellensea and smirks. You may kill up to two of your fellow guests - no preference as to who. If the others then fail to convict you, you will be free to leave. I pause briefly. As for additional rewards for victory... we hadn't planned anything. But perhaps that can be changed.

I turn back to Ranma. Now. How shall I punish your insolence...?
"The hell?!" Ranma's trying to move, but can't. "Let me go!" If he had a nickel for everytime his attempts to punch someone lead him immobilized, he'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but weird it happened twice, right?
Haruka looked at the others in horror. This isn't something she'd see everyday. "Wh.. What the?! What are you trying to achieve with this?!"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Bow is simply taken aback upon hearing the Second Host's explanation.

So the only way to get out of here is kill or be killed? Sure, I often battle other Pokémon, but I don't end up killing them or risk dying myself! And if I die here, then... then... my trainer won't ever see me again!
It is now occurring to Ranma that he might've made a serious lapse in judgment here. Now the smart thing to do is not further piss off the guy holding them here. But. . . "What? You can't fight me yourself? Why don't you fight me like a man?!" . . . Ranma's not exactly smart.
Let you go? I say to Ranma. Mmm... no, I don't think that's what I'll do.

I step away from Ranma, leaving the martial artist hanging there frozen.

Listen up, everyone. This place is my domain. As far as you're concerned. You cannot oppose me here. Your options are to play by my rules -

- and with a wave of my hand, the kitchen's entire stock of knives flies out and impales Ranma -

- or die.

I snap my fingers and Ranma is unfrozen, for all the good that does someone currently bleeding worse than insert your own colorful metaphor.
"G-Gah. . . Damn. . ." As soon as he's unfrozen, Ranma collapses on the ground, gritting his teeth. Due to his years of training, he's developed a high pain tolerance. However this. . . This was absolutely excruciating. Every pained shudder just made the pain worse. The knives were piercing his body, yet somehow missing most of his vital points. Perhaps that was the intent, to let him off with a "warning." So he's just going to lay there bleeding and twitching until someone gets him medical help. He'd make a joke about walking this off if he could rigt now.
"H-HEY!" Komaru runs to Ranma's side. "Oh, that's not fair! He just... He just... AAAHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!" 

She turns to the party in blind, frantic panic. "WHADDO WE DO WHADDO WE DO?!"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"How about. . . stop panicking. . . and get me some help. . . ?" Ranma said half sarcastically/seriously, trying to stand. Kind of difficult to when you're littered with knives. He doesn't know whether or not it's good he hasn't entered shock yet.
"OKAY YOU'RE RIGHT I'M SORRY!" Komaru shouts, still panicking. "Okay! What do we do? Do we just grab a knife, and..."

>She holds onto one random kitchen knife and tries to quickly yank it out.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
That's only gonna make him bleed out faster, you know, I say, not stopping her.
"NO DON'T-" And the moment she pulled a knife out, Ranma just let out a pained shout. "On second thought, I'll just wake this off and-" And there he goes, passing out from shock finally.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
I chuckle. And that's why you don't punch gods.

... but the game is balanced around one kill each night, isn't it. I may have underestimated Kellensea's bloodlust, but letting this kid bleed out won't make it better... I sigh, and snap my fingers again, and the knifes are suddenly gone and Ranma's wounds are completely healed.

I won't kill you. I don't want to interfere with the game. But if anyone crosses me again, I can and will make them wish I would kill them.

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