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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
>Follow that Ranma boy
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
After she ensures that Bow is okay, Alexis will

>Check out a still-intact warehouse.
Stupid doomed timeline...
>look for a way to climb up the other side of the crater [Bow]
It looks like the wall is climbable enough.

>Check out the main building [Monika]
Monika heads over to the building and spots a probably-unintended way in, in the form of an utterly demolished dorm room.

The building is pretty average for what it is. The circle of classrooms also has a totally wrecked room; looks like that one burned down.

>Search for a door not connected to anything, or something suitably portal-y looking. [Kellensea]
Starting in the gym, Kellensea looks for a possible exit. None here...

>Look inside the Warehouses. [Bakugo, Alexis]
Bakugo and Alexis dig through some of the warehouses. They contain a completely random assortment of junk, with no apparent rhyme or reason to it.

>Stay with the group [various]
Bow then decides to...

>climb out the crater and search for anything interesting
Bow exits the crater and finds herself in the same mysterious campus as everyone else.
>Keep looking through the warehouse, is there anything that could be potentially useful later?
Stupid doomed timeline...
Oh hey, I can hear again. Cool.

Bow then...

>explores the old dormitory
Bakugo sees that there's nothing useful here, so decides to walk to, and then >Search the Abandoned Dorms.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
>Ranma decides to also investigate the dorms with Bakugo.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Courtyard, common area. One of those maybe.

>Check those places in a dungeoneering haze.
I am the They who says it!
>Keep looking through the warehouse [Alexis]
The wide variety of miscellaneous everything ensures that some of it will be useful, probably. Is Alexis looking for anything in particular?

>Explore the old dorm [Bow, Bakugo, Ranma]
The dorms have 20 bedrooms and three bathrooms. Well, it was probably 21, before one of them got blowed to smitheroons. One of them has a curious red graffiti on the floor just inside the entrance.

They look abandoned and untouched for ages.

>Check the courtyard and common area for an exit [Kellensea]
A thorough search turns up no exit portals.
While she feels a change of clothing might be nice, since she's still got blood on her from patching up Bow's wounds, that's probably not too important right now. But it might help to have...

>Extra medical supplies, non-perishable foods, maybe a pack or bag to carry things in? Essential sorts of things like that, since she doesn't know how long it might take to find an actual way back home and people's wounds might reopen and stuff.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Bakugo immediately takes to analysing the graffiti, thinking there's some deeper reason to why it's there.
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
Ugh. Whatever. Just tell me when you find the mythical way out that doesn't involve me killing people, as much as I REALLY WANT TO.

>Check out the kitchen to see if there's anything fun there.
I am the They who says it!
L^bBxET ? What could this mean? Hmmm...

>investigate the graffiti closer. What could it mean?
"No, look! It's upside down! It says... Ztexbava."

A pause.

"So there!"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Monika notices another building to the south. Monika goes ahead and...

>Goes to the gym
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
But what could Ztexbava mean? Is it an acronym or amalgam of something? The name of the person that runs this place? Some magic word that will open up the door out of this place?
"I just fuckin' hope it's got nothin' on that 'La Brava' brat. Don't ask."
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
"La Brava brat?" Too late Bakugo. "Maybe it's a code to something?"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"IT'S JUST HER NAME. Nothin' else."
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.
If it's just a name, why don't you kill the bearer of the name? It's not hard, I'm sure, for a BIG, STRONG, overspecialized monk/sorcerer like YOU.

Kellensea has returned from the kitchen, bringing dripping sarcasm and her intensely unpleasant attitude towards most people, takes one glance at the reddish brown writing, and...

Anyway, it's probably not important. It's standard procedure to put little... we call them eye-hooks, but I'm sure you think that sounds horrifying, in places. Draws the eyes of would-be dungeoneerers onto some irrelevant detail, when in practice, they just don't have the keys to what appears to be a puzzle lock. Point is, you can look at that. It might even get you somewhere. But I think chances are much higher that we need an actual key, password, or bit of trickery involving finding the exit. Puzzle locks simply aren't ever the only security measure. Anyone can solve a puzzle, but not everyone has keys.

Her brutal smugness is clearly calculated to be infuriating. Why she's so insistent on enraging people is unclear, but whatever it is, knowing her, it's probably either to inspire extreme violence, to prove a point at the worst possible time, or because it's some kind of respect among adventurers. Whatever the reason, it's irritating at best.
I am the They who says it!
>Gather stuff from the warehouse [Alexis]
She finds a bag easily enough, but if there are medical supplies or food out here, this isn't where they're stored.

>Check out the kitchen to see if there's anything fun there. [Kellensea]
The kitchen is wrecked beyond all recognition. (OR SHOULD WE SAY WRECKOGNITION no we shouldn't that's not that clever)

Some of the wreckage is probably metal from appliances, if Kellensea wants to collect more of that stuff.

>Check out the gym [Monika]
It's big, it's gym-ish. It's got a pile of weights scattered at the front door, because of reasons presumably.
Alexis will

>Take the bag at least, then go find Bow.
Stupid doomed timeline...
Ooh nice.

Kellensea's rapid mood shifts strike again, as she looks for the most valuable metal bits in the wreckage of the kitchen. Iron can go, aluminum is mass produced back home now anyway, but surely some of these things are programmable. Certainly the consumer electronics contain copper and gold, which are worth something.

In a matter of minutes, she's stripped most of the wires for copper, and pried out several melted circuitboards and computer chips, adding them to her ever expanding pile of Shiny Vendor Trash.
I am the They who says it!

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