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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
>Paper under the door trick [Kellensea]
The paper does not appear to be damaged.
"That's good. It might take a while to heal, since you were hurt pretty badly, but... I'm sure we'll all survive."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Ranma stares at the paper blankly. "Well, at least we know whatever's on the other side won't destroy paper. . .
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Yeah, my injury might make things harder, but I'm sure that I can get out of here alive!
Kellensea sees the undamaged paper.

Alright, yeah, assuming I'm correct, which I usually am, my idea should work. Alright, you're going to hate this plan, I'm sure. I need a volunteer to be stabbed to death... don't worry, I'm like fifty percent sure you'll be fine, I need... let's say something capable of making markings, like chalk, a pen, something like that, a door-frame which you aren't too invested in being able to go through ever again, some kind of sizeable chargeable crystal, a stand to put it in, preferably metal, and also, forget about the door thing, I'll do it to the office door so I can get my stuff through it more easily, that's how confident I am. But get all the rest of the things. I'll explain when we arrive there. I've done this before, when infiltrating a cult. Great fun, it's actually the same story as the one about the time I went to hell. Hurrah for adventuring experience and terrible plans that probably will work!

Kellensea doesn't even wait for a response, she just walks off and unbolts the tabletops from the office door, and opens it.

Okay, for reference, chargeable crystals are like, quartz or any variant thereof, corundum, beryl, fluorite, diamonds, basically any crystalline mineral which ISN'T water soluble. I need one about the size of the tip of your thumb. If you don't find them, I'll check my dischargeable rings and necklaces for any I might be able to use. One of you, tell Ranma it's super manly or whatever to get stabbed to death by an adventurer in a kettle hat who's also wearing a scarf. That'll get us the volunteer. I'll get to work setting up the area.

>Clear a substantial space around both sides of the office door.
I am the They who says it!
"I'm right here! And I'd prefer not to be stabbed to death. This is a horrible idea!"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"I'm not keen on the whole 'stab someone to death' part of the plan, either."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I have one more question for the host! You say traumatic memories are necessary as they're more powerful than regular memories. Is this because there's more powerful emotions associated with it?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Well, someone needs to be killed to open a second rift out. I can... probably stabilize it for a week or two at least. Again, you'll be FINE Ranma! I give you about a 40% chance of surviving being dead! And by someone needs to be killed, I mean someone who isn't me. I'm the one who's done things like this before, so I at least kind of know what I'm doing! Look, worst case, you die, the portal opens up into either the positive or negative energy plane, and the blast kills every single one of us, destroys both the structure and the entire demiplane, and also I was completely wrong and we instead get tormented forever! Look, if you have any questions about how this will work, I can explain in reasonable detail!

Kellensea doesn't even comment on how she just dropped Ranma's odds of surviving being murdered by ten percent already, and how her worst case scenario is actually pretty bad.
I am the They who says it!
"Try and stab me or anyone else here, and I'll tie you up as a pretzel. No one is going to listen to your idiotic and dangerous plans. For that matter, why do I have to be the one getting stabbed?" Yeah, pretty sure Ranma's 101% against this idea.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
(03-13-2021, 02:28:37 AM)Huney Wrote: "I have one more question for the host! You say traumatic memories are necessary as they're more powerful than regular memories. Is this because there's more powerful emotions associated with it?"

Yeah? That's literally what I was talking about.
Alexis looks at the notes she's been taking.

"...hey, you changed the percentage there."
Stupid doomed timeline...
I mean, it doesn't HAVE to be you, Ranma, you just seems the self sacrificing sort who'd jump at the chance to be stabbed to death for a thirty percent chance of being fine and saving everyone else.

The percentage drops again, and Alexis's question goes ignored.

So, you willing to help? I can answer questions, but I recommend we move on this quickly, so the host doesn't have time to figure out a way to block this loophole.
I am the They who says it!
"Nobody's going to go for your crazy stabbing idea, especially if you keep lowering the survival chance. Makes me feel like you're just making this up as you go along."
Stupid doomed timeline...
"I know I'm just trying to lead into my idea-"

She sighs, and continues.

"Do they have to be negative emotions? What about extreme positive emotions?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"Well I would, but you see, I'm the "self-preservation" type. So while I would protect innocents, my life also gets piled onto that." Ranma said, hand on his hip as he took a jab at Kellensea's whole "self-preservation" bullcrap. "Besides, even if I was willing to go along with it, your plan is too risky. The risks outweigh the rewards here, and you continuously dropping the percentages only decease my trust in it, unless you're actually that braindead in thinking your plan could work you forget the previous numbers."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Nah, it'll work, I swear. It's pretty basic arcane science, I just don't know if I have the tools to pull it off. I think I can, and I bet it will work. But you just need to trust me here. Also, it's cool, I don't really need a volunteer, I can just grab one of you and it should work the same. Just get me the resources, and I'll probably have us out of this killing game in... oh, about twenty minutes or so. Also, I could insult the host's stupid plan, I have a better one, talked about in arcane theory for years, maybe I'll tell them about it at some point. Either way, I think this will work.
I am the They who says it!
That does it. Ranma calmly approached Kellensea with a dead serious expression on his face. "No. You are not stabbing anyone. As my duty as not only a martial artist, but a man, I will stop you if you try to shed anymore blood. Capisce?" He said, putting a hand on her shoulder with a smile on his face, a smile that hid the seriousness in his tone. "Besides, out of everyone here, you're the last person I'd want to be stabbed from."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"I'd rather try to get out without shedding any further innocent blood."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Having two people, including me, getting stabbed was already bad enough. No more stabbings, please.
As long as we get out of this alive... We'll be happy...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
[Haruka looks at Monika in a funny peculiar way.]

"Yeah! In fact, it'd be better if you, uh, I don't know, not stab anybody?"
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
"Well how about my no-stabbing-themed route!!"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
I know that some of you may never forgive me for this... That's fine. That's on me.
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
I'm... still not quite sure what Kellensea is trying, but I don't think it'll work the way she expects... I wince suddenly, clasping a hand to my eye. What the hell...

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