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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
"I think this would mean a no on the blood tribute thing."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
No blood tribute? Aw. But you're breaking out? I've broken out of prison at least once before! Well... Lansse did and he got the keys and got us out and we escaped. We got lucky there. How to you propose to break out when we've got some wizard or something who controls much of this demiplane and has eyes on us at all times? Also, Monika attacked people? Did she kill anyone?
I am the They who says it!
"Sorry to disappoint you, but no. I stopped her before she could kill Bakugo." Ranma said, taking sips of that boiling coffee, which was slight bubbling as he did so. Just how hot did he make that- "So you don't get to loot his or Bow's belongings. Such a shame." The sarcasm was strong with this one. "Now, do you want to help us get out, or not?"
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"That's... what we're trying to figure out." Komaru sighs. "If you want the honest truth  I have no idea how to get out of here."

Why can't Makotoooo be hereeeee? He'd probably talk about how they just need hope and a clear mind or something. Clear mind...

"No, she didn't kill anyone. She did attack Bow and Bakugo, but they survived."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
I mean, I could try to break you out. But only for Komaru and Kai. Rest of you are civilians. Komaru and Kai are party members. So hold no illusions that I'm doing it for you. And really? The fox thing and that stupid explosion kid survived? FUCK am I disappointed in that. Can't stand either of them. Anyway, step one, we have to figure out what we're dealing with. To the door, I guess.

>Head over to the exit door, and check it out.
I am the They who says it!
"Yeah yeah, we love you too Kellensea." He'd roll his eyes, practically feeling his vocal chords trying to tear themselves out for saying that, trenchancy or not. "I'm still not so sure on this exit. From what I've gathered, we're way high up. Who's to say what lies on the other end of this door isn't a 50,000 foot drop." He'd say, looking at the exit door as well.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
"As long as you're willing to help, that's all I care about!"

She looks to the exit, then back at Ranma.

"How about Ronnie? Do we know how far he fell?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
"I. . . don't know. I wasn't really listening for how far his body would fall until he hit the bottom. And I threw a plant off the balcony the first day here, and didn't hear it hit the bottom. So my guess is we're really high up."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Alexis wakes up in the Medbay, feeling... a little more rested, she guesses? Before she goes to join the others, she will

>check on Bow
Stupid doomed timeline...
>Head over to the exit door, and check it out.
The exit door is in the launch bay, a massive garage-type overhead door. It won't open, though; the nearby readout simply beeps "Access Denied".

(... yes on looking at the map we realize that thing's clearly a spaceship, but y'know what we're reinterpreting it, okay)

>check on Bow [Alexis]
Bow seems to be in stable condition. She shouldn't have any trouble escaping, if you find a way anyway.
Before leaving the medbay, Alexis tears a blank page out of her notepad and writes:

"When you wake up, I've gone to find the others. We need to find a way out without any more deaths."

She leaves this note on the bed Bow was asleep on so she'll find it when she wakes, then she'll

>Find the others
Stupid doomed timeline...
I don't think we're high up. That would be too obvious. No, we're in an artificial demiplane, that much is established, I believe. So I don't think there necessarily IS anything down there. It's quite possible it's just the border of the demiplane, and you get looped off into the distance, or the past, or something silly like that. Now, we are in an artificial demiplane, as previously stated. But demiplanes, ESPECIALLY artificial ones, need a stable access gate. It doesn't have to be big, but if you want to access it without planeshifting, it's usually about the size of a person. We've been provided a door which supposedly is an exit. Now, it COULD be a trap. But the point is, we have methods to test if it is. Chances are, it actually is the demiplane access gate, and it leads back to either the PMP, or some other demiplane which is similarly stable, or maybe to a main-plane, but that's pretty rare. You simply can't have a plane without some access point to another plane. It's... "topologically impossible", I believe is the word. At least, that's what I was taught in my intermediate magical theory class.

Kellensea takes a careful look at the door.

Ha! This will be easy. Okay, so you see how large this door is? The metal? The overhead? Now, there's something I can do. One of you, get me some paper or something similarly flat. I'm going to check something. But I think we may be able to get out pretty quickly, maybe with one more death, maximum. The door is obviously too large to hold... but I can see a number of other options.
I am the They who says it!
". . . Think I can punch it down?" Deadass, Ranma seriously asked this. Was he joking or not. Honestly. . . he was probably serious. "Hmm. . . Alexis has that notepad, so I guess we could get some paper from her if we need."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
... Hey, question. Just out of curiosity. Is it "topologically impossible" to have two demiplanes, each with no exit except to the other?
Thank you for the information about our situation, Host. Also, yes, that would technically be allowed, if you could make them feed off each other and made them at the same time. No way in or out but a planeshift, but they are mutually accessible.

Kellensea sounds very smug.

Alright, we now know that behind that door is a second demiplane! Now we just need to gauge if it's safe to enter. Also, that door doesn't look punchable, Ranma. So don't. If the other demiplane isn't safe, it might leak into here and kill you, even if you do kick the door down. Though, I do suspect this means there might be no way out of this system without planeshifting, blood-sacrifice soul-gate hijacking, or some similar strategy. So be prepared for that, I suppose. So anyway, get me that piece of paper. And several other ones, and also some tape or glue or something.
I am the They who says it!
Bow finally wakes up after some sleep. Reading the note Alexis left for her, she then...

>attempts to at least leave Medbay
My headmistress was very clear on where the survivors go when the game ends. It's safer than testing my patience, I can tell you that much.

>attempt to at least leave Medbay [Bow]
Bow slowly staggers to her feet (paws?). She's achy and stiff, but she can walk, slowly.
"... Hey wait. What happens to someone if they were to successfully kill someone and leave? How would they leave if this is just two... demoplains linked to each other?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
Like I said. My headmistress was very clear on where the survivors go.
"And where is that? I wasn't really paying attention, on the account "Go fuck yourself.""
>Also Ranma's gonna go walk off and get the stuff Kellensea requested real quick.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Gah, it still hurts, but at least I can walk now...

>find Alexis
"I'm... gonna sound recursive with this. But why are we in this killing game to begin with again? I know you said several times, but I can't really remember."

As a neat bonus, it'll probably annoy the host for them to explain again. Win win.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
At this point, Alexis has caught up with the others. She looks... kind of a mess, as she's got Bow's blood on her shirt from earlier and her hair's in desperate need of a brushing, but at least her determination is renewed.

"Okay, so... catch me up, what's the current situation?"

She's flipped to a blank page in her notepad, ready to write things down.
Stupid doomed timeline...
We brought you here to gather power from your memories, I repeat, not seeming particularly annoyed at all.

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