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[Fin] Murder U Too - Endgame
"... Hey, do you think it's possible Kai got poisoned the same way?" Komaru says, her writer certain it was already said somewhere else in plain writing.
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
>examine the yellow coloring on the doorknob [Ranma]
Well, it's not strychnine. That stuff's clear. What exactly it is, Ranma's not sure.
Ranma picks up the container with a rag, not trying to contaminate potential evidence. "Maybe. According the reading on the back, it's fatal if someone inhales, swallow or absorb it. Maybe that crappy poisoned acid Kellensea put in the sink wasn't what caused Kai to collapse like that. Wish he was awake to ask him if he remembers anyone giving him anything or being near anyone."

>Examine the container of the strychnine for any clues, like hairs or anything like that yellow stuff Alexis found on her door.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
>Komaruuu by now is more interested in Kai, as she tracks him down. Any Yellow To Be Found?
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"

Kellensea rushes to storage and starts

>Investigating for herbicide and other missing things. Then realizes oh shit it actually was in the greenhouse after about ten seconds, and goes there instead. She then scans around it to look if there's evidence of who touched it last night.
I am the They who says it!
> Also investigate greenhouse
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>Komaru is following Kellensea, with a look that says she's thinking "it's for the case it's for the case it's for the case it's for the case"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
>Follow after Kellensea and investigate the greenhouse for the pesticide I can't be fucked to google the spelling of for the 836745835th time just to be IC, whilst kind of just awkwardly carrying the crutches because probability and physics. I think.
[Image: bb0ecb42111c57f72c68ae22416ffcb828b3ff47.gif]
[Haruka was at one of the dorm hallways iirc. Anyways....]

> Follow the others into the greenhouse and inspect it.
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
Ranma was still in the greenhouse when they entered. "Believe I found the container for that sty-whatsitmacallit." He doesn't have time to remember chemicals, he has important things to do. Like martial arts. . . And martial arts.

>Help investigate the green house more.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
>Examine the container of the strychnine for any clues [Ranma]
Ranma can't find any hair, fingerprints, or yellow substance.

>Find Kai and incidentally search for yellow substance [Komaru]
Kai is - well, was at the time you typed this - in medbay, and Komaru finds no yellow substance in her cursory search on the way there.

>Investigate the greenhouse [Many]
There's not a lot in the way of evidence. It looks like Rosa's murderer went in, filled their syringe with strychnine, and left, doing as little as possible in between, all while wearing gloves.
Wait a minute! I did not see any mention of somebody entering the greenhouse last night on the admin log. This kill must have been planned for a quite a while now.

>search the kitchen, bathroom, and locker room for evidence
I did mention that the admin logs have data integrity issues, didn't I? Just because there's no record doesn't confirm nobody entered the greenhouse last night. The sensors only have, like, 80% effectiveness. I wince slightly, though I'm sure nobody noticed it.

>search the kitchen, bathroom, and locker room for evidence [Bow]
Bow's search of those three rooms doesn't turn up anything obviously relevant.
Alexis is going over a few papers in her hands.

"It looks like someone entered the greenhouse briefly the night before last, but I'm guessing if someone went in last night, it's where it says there could be a data issue... I don't remember seeing any lights on in there last night though, although it's possible that was also an error. Or, someone went in briefly a few minutes before night started and went back to wherever they were before the lights went out. Yesterday was kind of... people were going everywhere and hard to keep track of."
Stupid doomed timeline...
Gah! Nothing pointing towards any specific person so far.

Bow then recalls her personal experiences last night, and decides to go off that.

Ronnie? What exactly were you doing last night?
"You mentioned gloves, right? Can't we see who they fit to at least narrow down potential suspects?"

>Ranma's also going to quickly head to the bathroom. Did anyone try to flush anything again or wash something. Or just evidence in general
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Flushed, washed, or trashed, Ranma can't find any evidence of evidence disposal in the bathroom.
Yea, I ran into you last night, Ronnie said to Bow. I stepped out of my room for a bit to work off some of my energy. Didn't see anything off though.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Ranma sighs and looks at the rag with the yellow coloring he wiped from the door knob.

>Just a heads up, if Ranma attempted to sniff it, will he potentially die? Because Ranma may attempt to see if there's anything about the coloring such as smell, texture and maybe taste if Ranma gets desperate enough, which he isn't yet.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Bow decides to...

>memerize the location of every single bedroom, and then determine what the "nondescriptive bedroom" described in the admin log belongs to based of her experience in Admin last night
>Will sniffing the yellow substance kill? [Ranma]
Legit I do not know. Let's arbitrarily decide it doesn't.

>Locate a room of interest [Bow]
Bow finds the relevant room in the east dorm wing, but it has no identifying traits, so she still doesn't actually know whose it is.
Have we found out anything about the gloves yet?

> See who the gloves fit best
I like bananas. They're yellow.
>Investigate the room for any evidence
>Then Ranma's going to sniff the rag with the yellow coloring on it to see if there's any smells.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.
Bow digs through the nondescript room which she doesn't know who it belongs to. Most of it is, well, nondescript... but on a hunch, she lifts up the mattress, and finds... a pair of gloves.

Ronnie compares the gloves from the lab to various hands. They're extremely large, and would not be at all comfortable on most people.

Ranma sniffs the suspicious yellow substance. ... The scent is incomparable. It doesn't smell "like" anything he can place, other than itself. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

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