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>Attempt to make tea in the microwave [Haruka, 6]
Haruka grabs a teabag and a bottle of water from the pantry, puts them both in a mug, and microwaves it for thirty seconds, then lets it steep for two minutes.
... Yep, that's tea.
Helps that it had instructions on the box.
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". . ." He was just holding out his hands at Haruka in a "See? SEE!" motion, without actually saying it. "Told you."
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... I don't recall advising you against heating water in the microwave. I simply mentioned having never personally done such a thing.
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"Yeah, it actually works if you use a mug. Not quite as good as using a kettle but it's drinkable and warm and nice, at least."
Stupid doomed timeline...
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"Well. . ." No, don't admit she's right. Don't admit the murder host compèring the killing game is right. "Shut up!" He gave an repined grumble as he somewhat pouted.
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[]Well, I'll be. Guess I owe Jet Li an apology after all.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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". . . Who?" Ranma asked, not getting the martial artist references.
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Dude, how can you not know who these guys are? Bruce Lee? Jackie Chan? Jet Li? I need to lend you some DVDs sometime. Great martial artists. I think you'll get a kick out of them. No pun intended.
I like bananas. They're yellow.
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Ranma gives a light shrug. "None of those guys ring any bells for me. Besides, even if I did, I doubt they can beat me." He says almost complacent. "Considering the fact I've faced fighters with different techniques and abilities like changing forms, those guys you keep mentioning probably doesn't hold a candle to me." Ranma told Ronnie, proud of himself. Which shouldn't really surprise anyone, especially not Ranma.
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Lights out at Murder HQ. DM your night actions. The lights will come back on at... let's say ~10:30 CT on 3/6 (~2 days and 14 hours from this post) unless we're inconveniently in the middle of something.
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Without fanfare, the lights click back on.
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Without hesitation, Bow decides to...
>search for any bodies
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The first thing Alexis will do this morning is
>Get a printout of the activity since lights-out from the Admin room
Stupid doomed timeline...
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As soon as the lights turn back on, Ranma rubbed his eyes. They were a bit droopy, with bits of sleep here and there in the corner. He didn't know why he's feeling tired this quickly, he's spent two weeks awake before. Still, he had a job, and that was making sure no one did anything stupid enough to get someone killed.
>Before he goes to get something to drink from the kitchen, did he see anyone pass by him at all during the rest of his time standing guard at the dorm hub?
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Good... Morning...
Monika wakes up in the kitchen...
My friends!
Monika wastes no time in getting back to the other to...
>Do a headcount
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
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No else passed Ranma, at least to his acknowledgement. That at least means no one went back to their rooms or someone else's room to kill someone there. . . He walks to the kitchen to find Monika already doing the headcount. "Anyone missing?"
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Alexis walks into the kitchen, holding the admin log. She sits down to compare it with her notes.
Stupid doomed timeline...
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"Mmmg..." Komaru wakes up as well, having apparently donked out at one point during the night. She's gonna have to work on that.
"... Morning... is everyone okay?"
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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"Hopefully. . ." Ranma says, trying to stay positive. "I didn't see anyone enter or live their room, or pass the dorm hub the rest of the night."
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"I was in the Admin room with Bow all night. Kai was there too."
Stupid doomed timeline...
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Ranma crossed his arms and smirked some. "Not that I doubted either of you."
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I think I mostly dozed off in the kitchen... Sorry, I guess I'm just not used to this whole "Patrol" thing...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...
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"Monika, Haruka and Ranma are all safe. I kept a close eye on all of 'em!... Until I fell asleep, anyway."
"oh hell no, kung fu panda!"
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"So we know everyone here is accounted for. . . Who's missing?" Besides some obvious ones. . .