09-08-2021, 20:02:29 PM
Sariel, not entirely sure where to go from here, decides to >collate all the information gathered so far and see if anything interesting pops out.
[Dangan] Free Association: Part One. Day 6: "Graduation Day"
09-08-2021, 20:02:29 PM
Sariel, not entirely sure where to go from here, decides to >collate all the information gathered so far and see if anything interesting pops out.
09-08-2021, 20:19:26 PM
List everything obviously potentially relevant that's a matter of public record: [9]
* Exactly one person has been found dead in the Catkin district every night for twenty-one nights running. * Every victim was stabbed and shot in the chest. * Most of the victims lived or worked around the district. * Those that didn't don't look special, just that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. * The crime scene has been cleaned of all trace evidence. * The second victim was a CSI team member, and almost none of the police have come to block seven since. * Romero claims to have seen a large, bald, blond-bearded man in summer clothes at the crime scene last night. * Victim #10 owned the lawn care service. * The police shuttered the newspaper in the district. * The murder weapon has been described as a shotgun with a bayonet attached. * The pawn shop does not sell shotguns, but it does have a selection of bayonets. * Victims #7, #10, and #19 all had the stabbing and shotgun blast to the chest postmortem, according to the C.M.E.'s reports. * The arms dealers sell shotguns, but no bayonets. * The police are overequipped, and have a tank as well as presumably most any weaponry you could ask for. * Romero was followed by Jane Doe, then ten minutes later, was seen alone, looking shaken. * There are no obvious records of a large, bald, blond-bearded man in the nine blocks. I am the They who says it!
09-08-2021, 20:28:50 PM
"Oh...gotta remember next time to stick to chalk drinks."
> Look for chalk > Eat the chalk
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
09-08-2021, 20:31:09 PM
[8] Snap sneaks into the store and grabs some chalk. [7] Somehow he gets out without being noticed, and eats the chalk. He feels a bit better, but still pretty sick. It might take time to heal that wound fully.
I am the They who says it!
09-08-2021, 20:38:21 PM
>Investigate Victim #10
09-08-2021, 20:45:48 PM
Look further into #10: [?] Allan Gutierrez, owner of Catkin Lawn Care. Found dead with a gunshot wound from a large caliber pistol to the head and a postmortem stab-wound and buckshot wound to the chest. Tenth suspected victim of the Catkin Lane Killer. No CSI report attached. Time of death estimated to be around midnight.
I am the They who says it!
09-08-2021, 20:51:37 PM
I'm just going to get into position. I'll be covering the north, between the newspaper and the pawnshop. I need to think about some things, like what to do if I see the killer.
Fischer is now basically waiting for night mostly because I need to sleep soon, having accomplished all that she could for today. hey who turned out the lights?
09-08-2021, 20:58:23 PM
Stupid doomed timeline...
09-08-2021, 21:02:27 PM
...I'm not even going to try to figure that out.
> Try to figure out more about the cop in the tank who keeps harassing the construction worker Murdergames CharactersFrankie * Dr. Ruby Ramirez * Solanacae Bakersby * Sam Black * Selen(ium) * Reina Schultz * Dr. Francine "Frankie" Frankenstein * Lotta Schadenfreude Need a bigger bookshelf? Join me in The Library.
09-08-2021, 21:06:51 PM
Figure out about the tank driver. [?] Well, you know that his name is Jared T. Johnson, that he's qualified to drive a tank, that he's bald and has a black beard, and is with the TCPD. Otherwise, you can't think of anything in particular.
I am the They who says it!
09-08-2021, 21:15:25 PM
"Wouldn't hurt to follow that lead, I guess."
> Investigate Catkin Lawn Care
09-08-2021, 21:23:14 PM
[9]: It's not like the police are going to stop you. Seko isn't here to see you smash a window, bend some bars out of the way, and climb in to investigate. The place is relatively untouched, having only recently been closed. The thing you notice on going into the offices, however, is that while the building itself has all the lawn care implements you'd expect (the place seems to have been strangely successful despite being nowhere near a suburb), it also has a lot of civil war memorabilia, and news clippings about a civil war reenactor group doing reenactments just outside of town. Apparently the owner was a member, because you can see his name among the people in the group photo.
I am the They who says it!
09-08-2021, 21:29:29 PM
Huh... Where... am... I...
Squid Ink Cookie said, stirring from just the worst slumber imaginable. Only... this wasn't the bottom of the sea. This didn't even look like Earthbread! H-Huh...? Hello... anyone...?
09-08-2021, 21:30:58 PM
> Sleep on a bench
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
09-08-2021, 21:31:58 PM
"That reenactment group might have the weapons we're looking for, better look into that."
>Ask people about the civil war reenactment.
09-08-2021, 21:33:51 PM
Don't... like... this...
> Search for people. Anyone, another participant, an NPC, just... anyone.
09-08-2021, 21:36:01 PM
Sariel... is near Squid Ink Cookie, for lack of a more precise verb.
"Did you not get the briefing from the Spymaster?"
09-08-2021, 21:37:03 PM
Oh, there you are. I was this close to failing you.
Meanwhile, Snap attempts to sleep on a bench. [3]: It's much too uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Seven asks around about the reenactors. [5]: People seem nervous to talk about them. It's mostly in hushed tones, but what you glean from talking to a bunch of people seems to indicate that a couple people involved died suddenly and in strange circumstances. Squid Ink Cookie gets a [10] to find other people, and immediately gets lost in the city. Surrounded by people, horribly exposed, and sure they're being watched by thousands of eyes. (Eventually they find Sariel though.) I am the They who says it!
09-08-2021, 21:41:44 PM
09-08-2021, 21:48:37 PM
>Look into the misterious deaths.
09-08-2021, 21:50:14 PM
"... All right. Long story short you signed up for this as your final exam in the spy academy. We all did. We're here with a lot less memories than usual to solve a serial killer crime. And we need to defend ourselves in case we're killed next."
All true. Carefully leaving out the part where getting away with murder is also an option for success. I suspect they won't be happy with us if they find out later... I didn't leave out anything that'd make them vulnerable. Only something that'd make them a potential threat to us.
09-08-2021, 21:55:03 PM
(09-08-2021, 21:50:14 PM)wingedcatgirl Wrote: "... All right. Long story short you signed up for this as your final exam in the spy academy. We all did. We're here with a lot less memories than usual to solve a serial killer crime. And we need to defend ourselves in case we're killed next." Oh... okay... A spy? Squib only wanted to go back to the bottom of the ocean and guard their treasure... They decided to stick with Sariel.
09-08-2021, 21:55:47 PM
How mysterious are those deaths? [?]: Pretty mysterious. Of course, there's victim #10, but before #10, one other member died suddenly during a rehearsal. It's not entirely clear what of, people's accounts conflict, whether it was an accident, or natural causes, or something else.
I am the They who says it!
09-08-2021, 22:05:56 PM
"Hmm, there's still a lot about the other victims we don't know."
>Ask people if there were any other particularly notable victims.
09-08-2021, 22:09:43 PM
Sariel goes over the information they've gathered with Squid Ink Cookie.
"This is what we've worked out so far. Any bright ideas?"
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