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In no particular order:
1. Tetris
2. Dragon Quest XI (2D)
3. Pokémon White
4. Friday Night Funkin’
5. Cave Story+

Is there anything you like that you're not really the target audience for?
Octonauts, Pocoyo, and Pingu.

Because of course I like kids show with cute characters.

What's your opinion on Pocoyo?
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
It was my childhood but not MAI CHILDHOOD, ya get what I mean? I had fun hosting that one offsite HGS season with him, though!

Favorite snack?
Sometimes the best tributes are the ones that make you laugh.
....Oooooh boy that's a tough one. I have a lot of favorite snacks. I guess if I had to pick one... Mott's fruit snacks? I'm definitely a fruit snacks type of person.

What was the worst school field trip you ever had?

I refuse to be polite or heterosexual

I don't know if it counts, but there was this one time my class had to walk to a nearby high school (Note I was in middle school) to watch a play the high school drama club was doing. I was sitting down where I was told to sit by my teacher, but a dude told me I needed to move, so I listened... but then the teacher got SO ticked off at me for moving despite my attempts to explain that I was told to move by someone else in authority. She growled at me so much about it that I started quietly crying throughout the whole play, and then the teacher later told me that if I didn't stop she would make me walk back to the other school.

Needless to say, that field trip, if it counts, was NOT fun.


On the flip side, what is the BEST field trip you can remember having?
So I adore Karre from Star Wars: Visions now. That was completely unexpected since I'm not a huge Star Wars fan or anything.
I once went on a field trip to Berlin (German class). Berlin's great, nice people, lots of history, it was definitely worth the visit.


You got a song stuck in your head right now?
hey who turned out the lights?

Between the groovy beat, trippy visuals, and wacky mid-90's motion capture it's kinda hard to get this song out of my brain.


Do you have a favorite dish to cook?
Micro Uzi implies the existence of Mega Uzi.
Do cakes count? Because I really like baking cakes and such. If not, then pizza is really good too.

What is your favorite instrument and why?
You know where you are? You're in the jungle baby.
[Image: gHQIEiX.png]

(or a pair of turntables/digital DJing equipment, rather)

If so, then that'd probably be my answer since I'm more adept at those (albeit in the form of an iPad app at the moment rather than with a physical MIDI controller) than I am at any actual instruments. On the more traditional end, though, learning the bass guitar is on my bucket list. (I specifically want a Fender or Squier Precision Bass since I enjoyed playing on one in my music class in middle school.)

I've also grown rather fond of keytars lately, courtesy of one of my D&D characters  Big Grin

Ever played Cards Against Humanity? If so, got any particular favorite ones?
I turn heads like a DJ, twist that dial
Derp, no.

Down arrow Ever had a work you used to like permanently stained in your mind after some major event?
Very interesting...first person to consume solid objects through liquid methods.

quote list

E N D L E S S  F U N


She's got three murders under her belt, views are gonna be skewed

Here's one that has nothing to do with bad events that included any sign of other people on TroubleCube: Plants vs. Zombies.

What one game of a video game series included in Smash Bros. do you think is underrated by the video game series' userbase?
Mega Man X3 for me
>no ulterior character motive<

Waffle or pancaek
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
I'm more of a pancaek guy, better than actual pancakes too. They taste more tender.

Do you own any classic gaming systems?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
yep. A Sega Genesis, a Nintendo 64, a Sega Dreamcast, and a GameCube (it's like 20 years old so I consider it a classic console by now), just to name a few.

How are you spending your spring break?
"I worry exactly the right amount. You can never worry too much!" - Tulio
Doing the same things I usually do.

Do you watch AMVs?
I can't think of anything clever.
Not regularly, no.

Thoughts on pasta?
hey who turned out the lights?
One of my favorite dinners ever. All types are great, especially with cheese and butter.

Last thing you ate?
Corn Nuts and Gatorade.

If you were the last person left on Earth, what would you do?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
The first thing I would do is look for other people. After that... try and figure out how to manage long-term survival.

Opinions on trees?
hey who turned out the lights?

Music you like to listen to while working out?
I can't think of anything clever.
TBH, literally anything to drown out the outside world.

Latest movie you've seen?

Most anonying plot twist?
[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=7599580]
In general, I'd say a plot twist that invalidates the hard work of the protagonists. I do not like most anti-climaxes, except when it can be funny.

What's your favorite way to enjoy a hot dog?
Right off the grill, the only way I'll eat a hot dog. Otherwise I'll pass.

What do you like on your pizza?
I like bananas. They're yellow.
Pepperoni or Sausage.

What's your opinion on Fan Fiction?
I can't think of anything clever.

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