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[Roleplay - Drop-in] Murder-Free II: The City's Portaling Revengeance
Hotel - Elevator Shaft
Vivi rubs at her forehead, looking exasperated. "Welcome to the Murder-Free Hotel," she says to Malakhiri, "please be nice and don't summon any primals or I'll have to do something about it.

"Kellensea, I think Jones and Hydroxyl ran off somewhere." She tosses the other adventurer a linkpearl. "Call me on that if they do anything else destructive, I'm going to go... do literally anything other than just stand here indefinitely."
Active characters:
Lucky (Party Two Treason, Murderverse Falls)


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RE: Murder-Free II: The Portaling Revengeance - by wingedcatgirl - 08-27-2021, 22:35:34 PM

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