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[Roleplay - Drop-in] Murder-Free II: The City's Portaling Revengeance
Cyan: Deep Storage 2.

Kellensea seems wary of the question, but answers anyway.

Oh, they just sort of showed up when the whole portal thing happened. The little lizard tried to steal my stuff. Something about "needing it for something". Of course, I couldn't let that stand, my hoard is mine, so I tossed him in the broken elevator shaft, but he keeps breaking my locks and finding ways to escape while dodging the question of what that "something" that it needs my stuff for is. Smart one, that one. And then some fire elemental shows up, clearly out of its mind, so I tossed it in too, because it was probably going to start a fire if I didn't put it somewhere reasonably fireproof. It might have a name, I don't know. It certainly wasn't talking particularly coherently, or comprehensibly, if those were indeed words. Anyway, they're still there, unless the little lizard broke them out again while I was gone.
I am the They who says it!

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RE: Murder-Free II: The Portaling Revengeance - by Florien - 07-22-2021, 21:27:58 PM

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