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[Roleplay - Drop-in] Murder-Free II: The City's Portaling Revengeance
Wall check continue. Can hear Vivi. Wall hollow. Vivi there? Probably not. Attempting to break. No item. Check boxes. Prybar.

Kellensea doesn't seem to entirely believe what she's hearing.

Place recognizable, almost. Can't dwell on that. Try wall.

There's some banging on the wall, and a crowbar pokes through a hole. There's a second bang, and a crash as Kellensea breaks through the almost paper thin wall, emulating the kool-aid man in exactly two ways, those being that she came through a wall, and the second being that she's leaking some fluid that is normally fully contained within her body. Specifically, blood from under one of her multi-layered gauntlets. She doesn't seem to notice.

Oh. It was you. I thought you understood my message to stay put. Well, too late to worry about that now. I recognize this place, in a way. I certainly haven't been here, but it reminds me of... a certain place I went once. It feels like that but... wrong. Hopefully there's something here worth seeing or getting, because empty cells and commonspeak as wrote by prisoner-scam-letter-senders aren't exactly interesting and certainly aren't worth prying up and taking back. Also, that wall is disturbingly thin, and I can't possibly think why.
I am the They who says it!

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RE: Murder-Free II: The Portaling Revengeance - by Florien - 07-04-2021, 08:23:14 AM

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