02-14-2021, 17:50:41 PM
Quote:Neptune finds himself by a strange statue holding a wrestling ring. Where could the Stardroid's cowardly opponent have gone now? Hah. He probably ran away at Neptune's awesomeness.
A rather goofy-looking man in a fish costume emerges from the waters. The left arm of the fish-man, from Neptune's perspective, is an arm cannon with a fan built in to jettison water more easily. Despite his rather unorthodox appearance, it is clear that he hungers for blood.
Suddenly, he lunges at Neptune and takes a huge bite out of his shoulder. Looks like the aquatic Stardroid is on the menu now, eh?
“Geppappa~,” laughs the fish-man. “So I'm fighting against my prototype, huh?”
After firing a burst of Salt Water to force the fish-man off, Neptune demands, “Who the heck are you, copycat?”
“Geppappa! The name's Gepparland, inferior being! Your death will please Nemesis and Terumi very much!”
“Well then,” replies Neptune as he readies an ass-kicking statement. “Prepare to disappoint your creators in Silicon Hell. Water Magnum!”
Neptune takes a huge breath before expelling a massive stream of water right at Gepparland. As a Stardroid, his relative strength compared to the feeble technology on Earth made this feat child's play. Never underestimate a Stardroid, baby!
“Rolling Water!”
Gepparland counters with a stream of water from his arm cannon. At first, Neptune is winning, but Gepparland has a trick up his sleeves, judging by how his eyes rolled back to reveal the whites in his eyes. According to some biologists, sharks had this exact tell when they're in bloodlust. Gepparland's out for Neptune's blood tonight!
As Gepparland vomits gigantic fish eggs from his mouth, he yells, “Spit Micro Geppar!”
Suddenly, the eggs all hatch into miniature Gepparlands and rush over to Neptune's open shoulder wound to devour the wiring within Neptune's arm, exacerbating Neptune's pain even further. As he shrieks a loud yell from the damage he's receiving, he stops his Water Magnum water beam on Gepparland, letting the Artificial Perfect Chojin push Neptune into the water in an instant.
Heavily wounded by Gepparland, Neptune starts seeing things as he sinks to the bottom of the pool. His mind must be playing tricks on him as the spirit of Terra appears in an instant. It must be one of those near-death experiences.
Struggling to stay awake, Neptune squints his eyes and asks, “Terra, am I heading to Silicon Hell?”
“Not quite,” confidently replies the fallen Stardroid leader. “You still have much work to do here.”
Neptune still has work to do on Earth, eh? It can't be much, given how he failed so miserably against this disgusting trash. How can Earthling tech improve itself so much in a short period of time? It's so baffling.
Neptune cluelessly states, “I do?”
As Terra's spirit fades away, his voice echoes, “Yes. The Jellyfish Pirates see you as one of their own. Remember, Neptune… Remember…”
Neptune flashes through his memories quickly. Although his first days as janitor were a living hell, Dizzy was there to give him plenty of moral support. She gave him hearty meals behind her captain's back, giving him the needed strength to complete his chores. Dizzy even talked Blaze into slowly loosening his restrictions one by one until he became a proud member of the crew.
To prove his loyalty to the crew, Neptune participated in a few bounty hunts as well. He did extremely well as he's a freaking Stardroid. Earth tech still doesn't stand a chance against advanced space tech.
Neptune flares up the Burning Inner Strength, causing a massive whirlpool to form in the pool. His true strength is now at work, it seems. Through sheer determination, Neptune forces the tiny Gepparlands out of his wound and dissolves them all with a huge Salt Water bubble.
Neptune climbs out of the pool, now determined to make fish sticks out of Gepparland. Still confident of his victory, Gepparland just laughs, “Geppappa~ Back for round 2, inferior one?”
“That I am,” replies the Stardroid with renewed vigor. “Try this on for size! Break Dash!”
Channeling Pluto's technique in honor of his fallen comrade, Neptune dashes at Gepparland and slugs him real hard with a megaton punch, which causes the Perfect Chojin to fly a large distance away from the Stardroid. Neptune follows up his assault with Uranus's Deep Digger technique, gathering enough rubble and debris to create a massive block.
As the table turns against Gepparland, the artificial Perfect Chojin shouts, “What's going on here? This inferior one shouldn't be this strong?! Bloody Mary!”
Out of desperation, Gepparland gathers up the blood and oil spilled by both combatants and a few of his eggs into an enormous ball of destruction and chucks it at Neptune, who shields against the attack with the Deep Digger cube. In a repeat of the earlier beam tug-of-war, Neptune seems to lose against the Bloody Mary, but his newfound strength causes the rocky cube to splatter the Bloody Mary orb into a crimson mess.
In a futile attempt at saving his skin, Gepparland attempts to shatter the cube with a Rolling Water blast, but sadly the Deep Digger block still holds strong. The Burning Inner Strength in Neptune is quite spicy tonight, baby!
Once he powers through the beam, Neptune slams the Deep Digger cube right at Gepparland, amputating Gepparland's arm cannon in the process and causing a huge amount of blood loss from the Artificial Perfect Chojin. And due to the shock, Gepparland passes out! Neptune wins!
Here's some of my writing.