02-13-2021, 19:33:37 PM
Ranma raised a brow at the brunette's statement "Thought we were done with the dream talk. . ." He mumbled, reaching into the pocket of his jean and pulling out his acceptance letter.
"Dear Mr. Saotome, we humbly accept you as one of many wide-eyed students here at Hope's Peak. You have been designated as the Ultimate Martial Artist as a result of your fighting prowess and training in the Anything Goes Martial Arts. Many other extravagant fighters have been accepted, though all of you will be treated with the same amount of respect and training as the other. May you strengthen your techniques here at The Academy."
Putting up his letter, Ranma looked about the room. "Think this is Hope's Peak or something? It can't just be a coincidence we got accepted into Hope's Peak and wake up in some school looking area." At least, so far it seemed one other person got one of those acceptance lettes.
"Dear Mr. Saotome, we humbly accept you as one of many wide-eyed students here at Hope's Peak. You have been designated as the Ultimate Martial Artist as a result of your fighting prowess and training in the Anything Goes Martial Arts. Many other extravagant fighters have been accepted, though all of you will be treated with the same amount of respect and training as the other. May you strengthen your techniques here at The Academy."
Putting up his letter, Ranma looked about the room. "Think this is Hope's Peak or something? It can't just be a coincidence we got accepted into Hope's Peak and wake up in some school looking area." At least, so far it seemed one other person got one of those acceptance lettes.