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tagpuan: the reign of greed. (or: a cyberpunk urban fantasy RP signup/interest form)
Name: #63(b)
Elemental Type: Aswang
Gender and Pronouns: Firmly an it/its user, and prefers strongly to be referred to as if it is an inanimate object. (so a what, rather than a who.)
Appearance: Image attached.
Hope: This city once knew a time without Mission ruling over it, but it has forgotten that beyond any possibility of recovery. It will forget too that it knew a time without me guiding it from both the light and the shadow.
Backstory: Long ago, a project to create a team of assassin drones hit a hitch. They had had computers installed in their bodies, replacing whatever or whoever had lived in there before, to create obedient servants who would strike down any foe, whether in night or in day. They were made Aswangs, for those were the easiest to get more of, if needed. There were to be 64 drones, each with a distinct number, stored in binary. All that would be needed were 6 bits to store the number, and any saved space was worth it in such a complex program. But a tired programmer made an error. Drone #1's number was 000001, not 000000. This would not have been a problem if there were 63 drones. But there were 64. The 64th drone's counter rolled over, and it became drone 000000. Orders were being sent to the nonexistent drone 1000000 when they were supposed to be sent to 64. No one caught this error, even though the 64th drone seemed to deviate slightly from orders, where the other drones did not. Drone #64 was intended to be a vanguard drone, which would arrive first and scope a place out, eliminating those it could, before calling in the other drones to finish the job. It was a guide. But over time, it became increasingly ambitious and aggressive, and one day, it simply got up during a firefight and walked away. It was never recovered, its trackers having been turned off for security reasons because the project was at least nominally secret. It's been loose for years now. The project that made it was abandoned and mostly forgotten. 

And so #63(b) came to be. Mission had failed it and Titania both, so it would replace Mission with something or someone that could better rule, with the acknowledgement that failure to rule without the aim of change would mean death at the hands of the Righteous Guide of Titania, #63(b). After all, a new world cannot be built atop the ruins of a lost one, but must be built atop the ruins of that which can be remembered, taller and taller, until that old world is buried, crushed, and lost forever.
[Image: frontmanpfp.PNG]

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RE: tagpuan: the reign of greed. (or: a cyberpunk urban fantasy RP signup/interest form) - by Florien - 06-19-2023, 01:49:21 AM

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