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[Fin] Murder in the Mountains 2: Everyone heads off to a beach somewhere (END)
I recognize every letter that should have or has been delivered. I have not checked these, and they do not contain letters, most likely. But whoever destroys an envelope before its time deserves whatever horrifying tortures can befall them in the foulest pits of privatized postal services. It is irrelevant, and I shall not debase myself or incite myself to vomit by gazing upon such a horrifying sight as has been placed before me.

But I'm sure whoever thought to do this failed to realize that which I tell people again and again. You cannot, shall not, and never will even come close to stopping me from completing my appointed rounds.

Overlynd pauses for dramatic effect.

There are three people it could be. One of them is the last killer we need to deal with. Either Cass, Diluc, or Felicia never lodged a roleclaim with Nico. It is one of them. I doubt Alex did either, Tyson did, however, and they are both confirmed as masons, though absent, by virtue of the count and Tyson's word. There were two killers who got caught right out of the gate. There is no way to coordinate a mason claim beforehand.

In the case of Cass, there are three possible scenarios. Cass, by all logic, should have died last night, but did not. Therefore, the three scenarios are as follows. One. Cass was jailed. I know who the jailer is. If they wish to tell me whether or not they jailed Cass last night, they should. Two. Cass is the one-shot bulletproof. I consider this unlikely. The killers have a safe-claim, and likely used it the first chance they got, and Bulletproof is the more likely safe-claim than the stalker, because the stalker helped to condemn by their parity one of the team. Three, Cass is the Wannabe, and got turned last night by my coordinated plan with the shapeshifter to catch the last enemies of life and a functional postal service.

Unless someone can come up with a compelling reason as to do otherwise...

/Vote Cass.
I am the They who says it!

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RE: Murder in the Mountains 2: ... hello? (Day 3) - by Florien - 09-30-2022, 04:42:35 AM

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