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[Fin] Murder in the Mountains 2: Everyone heads off to a beach somewhere (END)
Literally, this information is useless to me if I'm out to kill people. If I'm out to kill people, I'm asking you to reveal two of my teammates for the gain of two people's roles and zero guaranteed kills on theoretical Gone Postal Overlynd's part. Your idea that that the information you'd be making public with this could possibly undermine the not-murderous team has insufficient postage.

In fact, in the scenario where both you're telling the truth and I'm scum, I ALREADY know the two duplicate roles by the fact that you said there are duplicates and presumably one of us used our safe-claim.

Also if anyone claimed vanilla they're lying, because that would have required someone to use an ability which we know they couldn't have, so you can take that to the US Post Office's Nationalized Bank.
I am the They who says it!

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RE: Murder in the Mountains 2: WHAT. (Day 1) - by Florien - 09-07-2022, 04:26:31 AM

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