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[Fin] Murder in the Mountains 2: Everyone heads off to a beach somewhere (END)
> Can you find a working phone and call 911 or whatever the local authority's number is? (@PointMaid)
There are land lines in the complex! ... They're dead.

>Investigate the cause of the fire(s). What started them? Obviously a fabric burned, but what was used to start the fires? (@Florien)
The fire's on the stove, which is turned on. An obvious conclusion presents itself.

At Nico's challenge, a strange humanoid figure with a barren rock for a head manifests in front of him.

Fight me to the me, you say? Heeheehee... You're welcome to try.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Murder in the Mountains 2: WHAT. (Day 1) - by wingedcatgirl - 09-04-2022, 01:49:05 AM

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