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[Fin] Murder in the Mountains 2: Everyone heads off to a beach somewhere (END)
Man, girl, lemme tell ya thomethin', the only danger here ith it maketh me a beath in da ring. A few injectionth here and there, I'm like an animal unleashed! I'm too much for da zooth to handle. So put me againth thomeone like da Thandman, Thuper Macho Man, or even King Hippo, they can't handle me. Tho if by dat, you mean dangerouth, then yeah, you oughta thlap a warnin' label on me! Now gimme dat popcorn!!!

Tyson snatches the popcorn away and holds it above his head, with his mouth open. Some of it falls into his mouth, but it mostly falls on his chest and the floor. He chews up the few that does fall within his oral orifice and lets out a loud, beastly roar before punching the air some more.
I like bananas. They're yellow.

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RE: Murder in the Mountains 2: An Utterly Normal Vacation Fluff Roleplay Thread (Day 0) - by Mr. Lee Hammer - 08-22-2022, 23:15:46 PM

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