07-03-2022, 07:15:38 AM
Well, that'ss not strictly required... Who'ss "she" in thiss context?
There'ss a ssecond point floran wantss to build off the previouss sstatement. Assk yoursself thiss quesstion. What exactly was floran talking about when floran ssaid "conssidered highly controverssial"? What exactly was floran referring to, implying?
The ansswer iss both nothing and anything you want it to be. If you like floran, thosse "controverssial" takess are the takess you feel perssecuted for againsst other ideologiess. If you like floran, floran jusst ssaid "floran iss on your sside and agreess with you that your enemiess are a cult". If you don't like floran, it'ss a potshot at your beliefss. Thiss iss the geniuss of keeping thingss vague. It'ss an amazing tool, becausse people project whatever they want onto the vaguenesss. If you have people who like you, like floran doess, your vaguenesss getss them firmly on your sside. They'll believe whatever you do iss ultimately leading to the goal they want, becausse they like you. Thiss iss replaceability of thought. If there iss a gap, people fill it with their own belief.
Think about quantum mechanicss. There'ss no interpretation that iss more correct than otherss. They are all effectively mathematically equivalent, none of them make truly tesstable predictionss that contradict the otherss. Now, certainly, copenhagen iss popular, but the point iss, it issn't CORRECT. Nor are any of the otherss. Yet, people ssubsscribe to different verssionss of quantum mechanicss, even though none of them are provable. They ssee the void left by the math, and project what they want to be true onto the math. People want there to be one objective determinisstic reality? They come up with pilot wave theory. They want chance to be fundamental? Copenhagen. They want ssomething elsse, there'ss an interpretation out there for them. It'ss all projecting beliefss onto a gap. Now, floran issn't ssaying that floran iss a shut-up-and-calculate one, floran likess quantum darwinissm ssome dayss. The point iss that it'ss very much a projection of what YOU think already onto vague math that doessn't tell you what thingss look like really, jusst that numberss happen and that makess reality ssomehow.
Thiss doess tie in to a future lecture, but anyhow, that'ss the ssuper beta verssion of the lecture floran guessssess.
any further quesstionss? Do keep in mind floran doess want relatively honesst ansswerss to how was it. Unlesss they're really sstupid "oh I don't care about them politicsses they are sscary and not intimately connected with every asspect of my day to day life" thingss. Don't ssay that or floran will have your fingernailss-or-equivalent ripped out with plierss.
Yeah, I have a comment! I liked the horseshoe centrism one better where you tried to convince me that the Coalition and the Alliance are actually the same! REAL enlightening, kid. Genius of the highest caliber, really. I sure was convinced by that argument that "actually freedom and not freedom are the same thing".
Shut the fuck up. You totally missssed the point of EVERYTHING floran ssaid that time. floran has to be vague all the time with normal government people, you only got to hear that particular argument becausse you're getting killed ssoon probably, and the resst of you got to hear thiss becausse you're either conssidered loyal, conssidered dead, or conssidered irrelevant.
Alright, talk over, thank you for coming to floran'ss ted talk as they ssaid in the olden dayss, you didn't have a choice, pleasse like comment and ssubsscribe, and provide feedback. Floran will take quesstionss.
There'ss a ssecond point floran wantss to build off the previouss sstatement. Assk yoursself thiss quesstion. What exactly was floran talking about when floran ssaid "conssidered highly controverssial"? What exactly was floran referring to, implying?
The ansswer iss both nothing and anything you want it to be. If you like floran, thosse "controverssial" takess are the takess you feel perssecuted for againsst other ideologiess. If you like floran, floran jusst ssaid "floran iss on your sside and agreess with you that your enemiess are a cult". If you don't like floran, it'ss a potshot at your beliefss. Thiss iss the geniuss of keeping thingss vague. It'ss an amazing tool, becausse people project whatever they want onto the vaguenesss. If you have people who like you, like floran doess, your vaguenesss getss them firmly on your sside. They'll believe whatever you do iss ultimately leading to the goal they want, becausse they like you. Thiss iss replaceability of thought. If there iss a gap, people fill it with their own belief.
Think about quantum mechanicss. There'ss no interpretation that iss more correct than otherss. They are all effectively mathematically equivalent, none of them make truly tesstable predictionss that contradict the otherss. Now, certainly, copenhagen iss popular, but the point iss, it issn't CORRECT. Nor are any of the otherss. Yet, people ssubsscribe to different verssionss of quantum mechanicss, even though none of them are provable. They ssee the void left by the math, and project what they want to be true onto the math. People want there to be one objective determinisstic reality? They come up with pilot wave theory. They want chance to be fundamental? Copenhagen. They want ssomething elsse, there'ss an interpretation out there for them. It'ss all projecting beliefss onto a gap. Now, floran issn't ssaying that floran iss a shut-up-and-calculate one, floran likess quantum darwinissm ssome dayss. The point iss that it'ss very much a projection of what YOU think already onto vague math that doessn't tell you what thingss look like really, jusst that numberss happen and that makess reality ssomehow.
Thiss doess tie in to a future lecture, but anyhow, that'ss the ssuper beta verssion of the lecture floran guessssess.
any further quesstionss? Do keep in mind floran doess want relatively honesst ansswerss to how was it. Unlesss they're really sstupid "oh I don't care about them politicsses they are sscary and not intimately connected with every asspect of my day to day life" thingss. Don't ssay that or floran will have your fingernailss-or-equivalent ripped out with plierss.
Yeah, I have a comment! I liked the horseshoe centrism one better where you tried to convince me that the Coalition and the Alliance are actually the same! REAL enlightening, kid. Genius of the highest caliber, really. I sure was convinced by that argument that "actually freedom and not freedom are the same thing".
Shut the fuck up. You totally missssed the point of EVERYTHING floran ssaid that time. floran has to be vague all the time with normal government people, you only got to hear that particular argument becausse you're getting killed ssoon probably, and the resst of you got to hear thiss becausse you're either conssidered loyal, conssidered dead, or conssidered irrelevant.
Alright, talk over, thank you for coming to floran'ss ted talk as they ssaid in the olden dayss, you didn't have a choice, pleasse like comment and ssubsscribe, and provide feedback. Floran will take quesstionss.
I am the They who says it!