03-06-2022, 05:36:59 AM
Hey, can I just say something quick before I inevitably get thrown/voted out of existence into my inevitable demise?
Some dramatic (albeit unnecessary) silence...
Because Steve just going in, charging in and DESTROYING MY HOUSE, RUINING any evidence inside... That seems a bit SUS now, does it? ... ... ... Just saying.
Crepe just casually leans on a nearby wall, with a seeming smirk on their face... Even when threatened by death itself, Crepe continues to make their condescending and nonchalant nature evident...
Some dramatic (albeit unnecessary) silence...
Because Steve just going in, charging in and DESTROYING MY HOUSE, RUINING any evidence inside... That seems a bit SUS now, does it? ... ... ... Just saying.
Crepe just casually leans on a nearby wall, with a seeming smirk on their face... Even when threatened by death itself, Crepe continues to make their condescending and nonchalant nature evident...
I don't understand any of this... I'm in a world of complete insanity...