02-28-2022, 17:00:12 PM
TCHGS Season 12 is now live.
Reaping (Tribute List): imgur, postimg
![[Image: 01_TC_HGS_S12_Reaping.png]](https://imagehosting.troublecube.net/cpg/albums/userpics/10009/25/01_TC_HGS_S12_Reaping.png)
Now, let the games begin.
Bloodbath: imgur, postimg
![[Image: 02_TC_HGS_S12_Bloodbath.png]](https://imagehosting.troublecube.net/cpg/albums/userpics/10009/25/02_TC_HGS_S12_Bloodbath.png)
Day 1: imgur, postimg
![[Image: 03_TC_HGS_S12_Day_1.png]](https://imagehosting.troublecube.net/cpg/albums/userpics/10009/25/03_TC_HGS_S12_Day_1.png)
Fallen Tributes: imgur, postimg
![[Image: 04_TC_HGS_S12_Fallen_1.png]](https://imagehosting.troublecube.net/cpg/albums/userpics/10009/25/04_TC_HGS_S12_Fallen_1.png)
Six: Tails Doll and Akuma in the Bloodbath. Mr. Frosty, the BK Kids, Hayseed and Vriska on Day 1. No nominators down... yet.
Reaping (Tribute List): imgur, postimg
![[Image: 01_TC_HGS_S12_Reaping.png]](https://imagehosting.troublecube.net/cpg/albums/userpics/10009/25/01_TC_HGS_S12_Reaping.png)
Now, let the games begin.
Bloodbath: imgur, postimg
![[Image: 02_TC_HGS_S12_Bloodbath.png]](https://imagehosting.troublecube.net/cpg/albums/userpics/10009/25/02_TC_HGS_S12_Bloodbath.png)
- I assume that wasn't the thumb from Bonkers' good hand. Otherwise he'd be in a bit of trouble later on.
- First blood goes to Ruv! But in a twist of fate, it was misguided. Poor Tails Doll, that T-pose wasn't dominant at all.
- Seven tributes are sharing supplies amongst themselves; the Soul tributes, Kheil, Mr. Frosty, Sollux, the Lynx Chocolate Man and Tulip.
- Woshua for some reason decides now of all times is a good time to go into retirement. Perhaps it got depressed by losing a bag and feels older than it really is.
- This is where Lincoln's fun begins.
- Hayseed takes another bag from Vriska, as does Atticus from the BK Kids.
- One of the strongest fighters is no match to a simple dirty trick. How shameful.
- John cuts out the middleman with his apparent strength.
- No Martian invasion today, thanks to Maypul.
- Everyone else just retreats, with Axel rolling instead of running.
Day 1: imgur, postimg
Day 1
![[Image: 03_TC_HGS_S12_Day_1.png]](https://imagehosting.troublecube.net/cpg/albums/userpics/10009/25/03_TC_HGS_S12_Day_1.png)
- Two tributes run about in the great outdoors.
- One of the supplies was a false Holy Grail. Whoops.
- I don't know Homestuck that well, but it feels like they should be swapped, except that Galacta Knight is very strong anyway.
- Wonder what kind of flowers they are.
- If he constantly looks as maniacal as he does in the picture, I wouldn't blame the knight who jousted the Lynx Chocolate Guy.
- Boxes of cigarettes were amongst the supplies shared by the tributes earlier, apparently.
- Ruv is taking no chances with the other tributes but Axel and retreats.
- Bonkers is an ape-like creature; I reckon that's highly illegal, on top of guilty of causing "animals having pets" confusion.
- Guess the Martians invaded after all. They're going to teach us all about proper waste disposal with extreme prejudice.
- What conlang would that be?
- As expected, water and electronics don't mix.
- You'll die if you don't eat your greens. Retak'ka impatiently decided vitamin deficiencies would take too long.
- A triangle of disguises forms.
- So is that how John got his strength? It seems like we have a Popeye wannabe on our -- AND THEN A SKELETON POPPED OUT
- Did Sarvente accuse the Wendy's mascot of abandoning her?
- Tulip's image probably shows her reaction to Amelia's review. Maybe.
- Aaaaand there goes Vriska, 8lasting off again.
Fallen Tributes: imgur, postimg
Fallen 1
![[Image: 04_TC_HGS_S12_Fallen_1.png]](https://imagehosting.troublecube.net/cpg/albums/userpics/10009/25/04_TC_HGS_S12_Fallen_1.png)
Six: Tails Doll and Akuma in the Bloodbath. Mr. Frosty, the BK Kids, Hayseed and Vriska on Day 1. No nominators down... yet.
What else needs saying?
That's what you are.
That's what you are.