02-14-2022, 15:57:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2022, 17:28:42 PM by NebulaChimera2211.)
Also Feast:
(Player1) (spikes/spikes/spikes/spikes/spike1) (Player2)'s (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) with hate potion. (Player2) (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) (it/it/it/it/them2) and destroys [typeB2] bond with (Player3).
(Player1) (spikes/spikes/spikes/spikes/spike1) (Player2)'s (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) with hate potion. (Player2) (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) (it/it/it/it/them2) and destroys [typeB2] bond with (Player1).
(Player1) (spikes/spikes/spikes/spikes/spike1) (Player2)'s (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) with hate potion. (Player2) (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) (it/it/it/it/them2) and kil(ls/ls/ls/ls/l1) (Player3). (2 kills 3)
(Player1) (spikes/spikes/spikes/spikes/spike1) (Player2)'s (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) with hate potion. (Player2) (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) (it/it/it/it/them2) and kil(ls/ls/ls/ls/l1) (Player1). (2 kills 1)
- Cupid Kirby (M, childlike)
- Pit (M, described as looking roughly 13)
- (Player1) tel(ls/ls/ls/ls/l1) (Player2) [typeA1]('s/'s/'re/'s/'re1) (a /a /a /a /1)chuckste(r/r/r/r/rs1), then thro(ws/ws/ws/ws/w1) [typeB2] off a cliff. (1 kills 2)
- (Player1) lung(es/es/es/es/e1) at (Player2), repeatedly punches [typeC2] weak points while obscured, then tur(ns/ns/ns/ns/n1) [typeC1] bac(k/k/k/k/ks1) to the camera, standing over the bod(y/y/y/y/ies2) of (Player2) as a symbol appears in the background. (1 kills 2)
- (Player1) destro(ys/ys/ys/ys/y1) the platform (Player2) (is/is/is/is/are2) standing on, causing (Player2) to fall to [typeB2] doom. (1 kills 2)
- (Player1) small, [typeA1] brawl, but most importantly, [typeA1] love you all.
- (Player1) tell(s/s/s/s//1) (Player2) that [typeA1]'(s/s/s/s/re1) gnot (a /a /a /a //1)gnel(f/f/f/f/ves1), [typeA1]'(s/s/re/s/re1) gnot (a /a /a /a //1)gnobli(n/n/n/n/ns1)... [typeA1]'(s/s/re/s/re1) (a /a /a /a //1)gnom(e/e/e/e/es1)! And (Player2)'(s/s/s/s/ve) been... gnomed!
- (Player1) attac(ks/ks/ks/ks/k1) (Player2), who surviv(es/es/es/es/e2), but los(es/es/es/es/e2) [typeC1] memories. (Also Bloodbath)
- (Player1) asks, "what about the (Player2) attack on (Player3)?" (Player4), (Player5) and (Player6) agree that (Player6) will go back up (Player3). (Non-fatal; reference to the "what about the droid attack on the wookiees" meme, in which the attack is ongoing.)
Also Feast:
(Player1) (spikes/spikes/spikes/spikes/spike1) (Player2)'s (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) with hate potion. (Player2) (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) (it/it/it/it/them2) and destroys [typeB2] bond with (Player3).
(Player1) (spikes/spikes/spikes/spikes/spike1) (Player2)'s (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) with hate potion. (Player2) (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) (it/it/it/it/them2) and destroys [typeB2] bond with (Player1).
(Player1) (spikes/spikes/spikes/spikes/spike1) (Player2)'s (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) with hate potion. (Player2) (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) (it/it/it/it/them2) and kil(ls/ls/ls/ls/l1) (Player3). (2 kills 3)
(Player1) (spikes/spikes/spikes/spikes/spike1) (Player2)'s (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) with hate potion. (Player2) (drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks/drinks2) (it/it/it/it/them2) and kil(ls/ls/ls/ls/l1) (Player1). (2 kills 1)
What else needs saying?
That's what you are.
That's what you are.