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[Signup - CLOSED] Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups (CAST IS FULL)
Name: Lindsey Clipton

Age: 38

Background: In the time before they died in a shootout in Tripford, Lindsey worked primarily as a travelling assassin for the Spymaster (and whoever else could pay them, so usually other people.) Born somewhere in Oregon, and ex-military, (dishonorably discharged after breaking a commanding officer's arm after an incident which they've never elaborated on), they've had a rewarding career so far, having been involved in a few prior assassinations through various methods of mid-to-high-ranked criminals and some minor city and press officials, and have amassed a respectable kill count as a result. Collateral damage is usually low, and they've so far evaded capture (though came close one time when their sniper perch was set on fire, giving them some burn scars on their face.) A resume with a dearth of legal activity on it, however, has meant that even if they wanted to go into legitimate work, they wouldn't be able to. Nonetheless, Lindsey in the Pre-Tripford state may possibly be even more threatening than during their month-long run as a pseudo-serial-killer, because they're allowed to use the full range of their skills.

Personality: Lindsey has a thin veneer of annoyance at most times that they use to get people to avoid asking too many questions. If one knows them well enough for them to drop the annoyed act, they're actually a pretty good conversationalist and reasonably nice. They have a blasé attitude about killing, built up over the years, but otherwise, aren't particularly far from normal.

Abilities: Lindsey is experienced with all sorts of firearms and briefly worked as an explosives expert in the past. They're also extremely strong for their size.

Strengths: Lindsey is extremely intelligent and excellent at getting people to do what they want, as well as more than capable of hiding in plain sight. However, they're overly aggressive, and tend to choose sudden violence if a situation goes wrong rather than attempt to diffuse it. This tendency to resort to violence second rather than committing to violence or avoiding it often replaces their problem with an entirely different problem rather than solving it.

Other: Speaks in yellowish impact font.

[Image: unknown.png]
I am the They who says it!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by PointMaid - 02-08-2022, 04:18:00 AM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by Kennifer - 02-08-2022, 04:23:06 AM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by Weirdguy149 - 02-08-2022, 04:28:42 AM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by Zanreo - 02-08-2022, 05:06:29 AM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by Florien - 02-08-2022, 07:55:32 AM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by Dookie - 02-08-2022, 23:10:33 PM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by Caret - 02-09-2022, 03:06:03 AM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by Mr. Lee Hammer - 02-10-2022, 22:43:54 PM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups - by Risdio51 - 02-14-2022, 14:05:37 PM
RE: Close Circle 2 Sign-Ups (1 spot open)) - by Cassie - 03-09-2022, 04:41:29 AM

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