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[OOC] Magical college planning/signup/OOC
Up arrow Up arrow That'll depend on how the setting is determined to work, which it doesn't seem to be particularly fleshed out yet. Hell, at this point it's not entirely clear whether it's a wizard-school type thing where everyone has roughly the same set of powers to work from and differing skills and specialties within that, or more a superhero type thing, where everyone has distinct and roughly unique abilities, or a weird hybrid system where everyone has very distinct and unique specialties, but ostensibly could learn to use the other abilities out there.

(Though I think it's the first, in which case, all the talk of specific powers may be irrelevant)
I am the They who says it!

Messages In This Thread
Magical college planning/signup/OOC - by wingedcatgirl - 01-14-2022, 00:22:17 AM
RE: Magical college planning/signup/OOC - by Whistle - 01-15-2022, 03:23:06 AM
RE: Magical college planning/signup/OOC - by Florien - 01-15-2022, 08:57:33 AM
RE: Magical college planning/signup/OOC - by Whistle - 01-16-2022, 15:03:10 PM

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