10-04-2021, 23:29:26 PM
Name: Melissa
Picture/Appearence: see above; she's a bit below average height and slim, wild black hair with white streaks, has a tendency to wear striped shirts
Age: Nobody knows her true age. She looks to be in her early-to-mid thirties though.
Height and Weight (For the hell of it): 5'4, 110 pounds
Personality: She's usually pretty friendly but has a tendency to tease; she likes speaking in a singsong voice when teasing. Likely to offer you a jar of honey and will be offended if you don't accept.
Abilities: Beekeeping, as well as VAMPIRE SKILLS (mostly strength and speed, lacking a reflection, liking to eat honey with blood mixed in, etc.)
Any Additional Info: She's a friend of Kennifer's and will speak in this color.
Stupid doomed timeline...