02-04-2021, 21:52:15 PM
![[Image: 165901_PPVI8Gyp.png]](https://share-cdn.picrew.me/shareImg/org/202102/165901_PPVI8Gyp.png)
NAME: Eve & Alex Bingham.
AGE: 13 & 12
GENDER: Female & Male
PREFERRED PRONOUNS: For Eve, She/her. For Alex, He/Him
APPEARANCE: Eve has a jacket, a black bow and very long and messy hair (As a result of time). Alex has shorter hair (He cut his hair with scissors he found) and a sweatshirt. He used to have short hair, and dislikes the longer hair because he, quote, "Looks like a girl."
LIKES: Each other. Other Humans. Food (Specifically Twinkies). Video games. Ruins of past suburban and urban life, especially ones that double as shelter. Games. Hot weather. California.
DISLIKES: Snow. Death. Orphanages. Miss Greenbaum.
SKILLS How have you survived so far?
BRIEF BIO: At the age of 9, the Bingham children moved from Anaheim, California (Where they were born) to Canada. Life was normal until the freeze...and in April of 2026, a giant snowstorm erupted in their city and collapsed their house while the family was on commute. From then on, the Binghams were homeless. In early July, Jill Bingham and Wally Bingham (Mom & Dad) could no longer care for their kids; Jill was dying of some sort of cold, and Wally was starving to death. So they sent them to an orphanage getting it's money from parents sending off their kids. The orphanage was right next to a factory, so that's how they got food. The only problem was that Miss Greenbaum, the owner, was very mean and downright abusive towards the orphans. She wouldn't give Alex or Eve food or water until they confessed that their parents had died. She also hit any child who misbehaved, and tried to down the spirits of any child who came, calling Eve (Who still had a positive spirit despite this) and Alex (Who fought her with sarcasm) "Ugly", "Brats, "Asshats", and even "Bitches"! To a child! Those are just some of the horrors (You'll learn more along the way) But after about 2 weeks, the pair escaped. Since then, they've been searching through ruins for food and shelter on their own.
OTHER: Eve Talks like this and Alex talks like this.
why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food