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[Video Games] Minecraft
It's the funney block game, punch trees

(We've) got a server that's been running for a bit, so if troubadours like to craft and also mine with other troubadours in a *mostly but not quite* vanilla server, you can connect via meowzone.troublecube.net and the discord specifically for that server is here

Anyway this can be a general discussion thread for minced rafts in addition to a Meow Zone discussion

Messages In This Thread
Minecraft - by wingedcatgirl - 07-22-2021, 07:21:06 AM
RE: Minecraft - by Florien - 07-31-2021, 09:58:11 AM
RE: Minecraft - by wingedcatgirl - 07-31-2021, 15:24:23 PM
RE: Minecraft - by Florien - 07-31-2021, 20:50:56 PM
RE: Minecraft - by NebulaChimera2211 - 08-14-2022, 12:57:00 PM

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