07-21-2021, 22:41:38 PM
Cyan: Surface
Oh, you're taking it? Alright. Careful with it then. You have a plan for what we should do next, or... Well, there's a taskforce outside the dome. Wonder who it is. Wonder what esoteric reason that portal brought us here is. Harness something? We'll find out, I suppose. Maybe. Point is, I don't really have a vested interest in deciding where we go next. We've been... here, and my plans kind of got ruined by the whole "getting shot at" thing. I got distracted, and we can't exactly rush into the house at full tilt now that we know there's more security forces there. Presumably.
Kellensea then registers the talk about housing, and takes it as an invitation to talk about her experience with housing, instead of just words.
Oh yeah. Housing. Back with my party, we bought a house. Right after we killed... oh, I forget that one's name. Total giant she was though. Eight feet, easily! Nearly killed us singlehanded! Anyway, the place was terrible. Drafty, large, with too many tiny rooms, and cost far too much. Sauthaiss bought me out of my share. I think she lives there still, unless the whole thing caved in while I was away. The point is, home ownership is grossly overrated if you're not settling in an adventurer community, and even then, if you're not retired from active work, you'll be out half the time, then you have to clean the place up from dust buildup, even if no one's going to be stupid enough to break in because they know you'll hunt them down and butcher them. Houses are mostly a place to show off your trophies that're too big for carrying everywhere in my experience. Beyond that? Utility is pretty limited, unless you're in a deep-site town.
Oh, you're taking it? Alright. Careful with it then. You have a plan for what we should do next, or... Well, there's a taskforce outside the dome. Wonder who it is. Wonder what esoteric reason that portal brought us here is. Harness something? We'll find out, I suppose. Maybe. Point is, I don't really have a vested interest in deciding where we go next. We've been... here, and my plans kind of got ruined by the whole "getting shot at" thing. I got distracted, and we can't exactly rush into the house at full tilt now that we know there's more security forces there. Presumably.
Kellensea then registers the talk about housing, and takes it as an invitation to talk about her experience with housing, instead of just words.
Oh yeah. Housing. Back with my party, we bought a house. Right after we killed... oh, I forget that one's name. Total giant she was though. Eight feet, easily! Nearly killed us singlehanded! Anyway, the place was terrible. Drafty, large, with too many tiny rooms, and cost far too much. Sauthaiss bought me out of my share. I think she lives there still, unless the whole thing caved in while I was away. The point is, home ownership is grossly overrated if you're not settling in an adventurer community, and even then, if you're not retired from active work, you'll be out half the time, then you have to clean the place up from dust buildup, even if no one's going to be stupid enough to break in because they know you'll hunt them down and butcher them. Houses are mostly a place to show off your trophies that're too big for carrying everywhere in my experience. Beyond that? Utility is pretty limited, unless you're in a deep-site town.
I am the They who says it!