07-05-2021, 19:11:31 PM
Yeah. Assemble a full... party. Yes. Do that. I'll try to... quell this. At least be able to walk without... Hrk... feeling like I'm going to die.
Kellensea stops standing and starts kneeling by the sink, clinging on to it for support, while cursing under her breath. She looks even worse than usual. At very least, worse than the last time anyone saw her without her helmet on. Every few seconds, she spits into the sink, apparently unable or unwilling to swallow.
Kellensea stops standing and starts kneeling by the sink, clinging on to it for support, while cursing under her breath. She looks even worse than usual. At very least, worse than the last time anyone saw her without her helmet on. Every few seconds, she spits into the sink, apparently unable or unwilling to swallow.
I am the They who says it!