07-05-2021, 06:17:30 AM
Cyan: The Cafeteria Section
The refrigerator is bitterly cold. Far, far colder than any food could possibly need to be kept. To describe it as bone-chilling would be grossly understating it, as any warmth bleeds away in seconds. An Antarctic winter would seem warm compared to this refrigerator. The containers which aren't frozen shut contain... stuff. Vague stuff. It's beige squares, circles and blobs. It looks like someone was designing a type of processed food, then completely gave up after getting past the "vaguely food colored and probably edible" part. A sign, previously concealed by a bright light shining on the ice covering, reads "DANGER: Do not break the sealing window. Risk of death." One just below the window is harder to make out, but seems to read "Proof of concept" with some tiny text below it too thickly covered in ice to read.
Vivi, don't go in there! It's too cold! You'll die or lose your fingers to frostbite or both! Put on a, a scarf or something at least! And hurry up, this place is... not right. I don't want to stay here longer than I have to!
Kellensea doesn't chase after Vivi though. She seems unwilling to approach the refrigeration unit. She heads into the kitchen portion of the cafeteria and finds that the faucets don't work. Are they disconnected, off, or are they just decorative? Any of those options raise further questions.
You'd better not be dying of hypothermia in there!
The refrigerator is bitterly cold. Far, far colder than any food could possibly need to be kept. To describe it as bone-chilling would be grossly understating it, as any warmth bleeds away in seconds. An Antarctic winter would seem warm compared to this refrigerator. The containers which aren't frozen shut contain... stuff. Vague stuff. It's beige squares, circles and blobs. It looks like someone was designing a type of processed food, then completely gave up after getting past the "vaguely food colored and probably edible" part. A sign, previously concealed by a bright light shining on the ice covering, reads "DANGER: Do not break the sealing window. Risk of death." One just below the window is harder to make out, but seems to read "Proof of concept" with some tiny text below it too thickly covered in ice to read.
Vivi, don't go in there! It's too cold! You'll die or lose your fingers to frostbite or both! Put on a, a scarf or something at least! And hurry up, this place is... not right. I don't want to stay here longer than I have to!
Kellensea doesn't chase after Vivi though. She seems unwilling to approach the refrigeration unit. She heads into the kitchen portion of the cafeteria and finds that the faucets don't work. Are they disconnected, off, or are they just decorative? Any of those options raise further questions.
You'd better not be dying of hypothermia in there!
I am the They who says it!