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[Roleplay - Drop-in] Murder-Free II: The City's Portaling Revengeance
Moon, Angel, Calli, Bakugo, and Leone were all looking at the new portals with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"This.........can't be real, right?"
"Tis as real as tis aff tae git, lassie."
"YAY! New stuff! Which one should we try out first?"
"Well, let's not rush in there just yet. Who knows what's on the other side."
"Who cares? So what if this place got expanded - We're still fucking stuck here!"
Viking Duck is back from Valhalla, and ready to take all the loot. Also, still a friend to animals.

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RE: Murder-Free II: The Portaling Revengeance - by SmilyCube112 - 07-03-2021, 08:00:16 AM

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