06-29-2021, 03:56:51 AM
Alright. The offender's clothes, if they indeed washed in the ocean, will be rigid.
Also, how would someone be choked using their mouth?
Salt Encrusted, in fact. So... Everyone who was bitten, line up. If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear.
And we request assistance from Mr. Crockett and the unbitten in this matter. Everyone, focus on the smaller members of the bitten.
Although... Hitomi, you brought up something earlier. The footprints... How do you propose they were faked?
We'll be checking you immediately.
>Inspect Hitomi's clothes for ocean-related damages, such as salt-rigidity or excessive dampness.
>Inspect Hitomi's clothes for ocean-related damages, such as salt-rigidity or excessive dampness.
Also, how would someone be choked using their mouth?
Absolute nonsense.
If they were smothered, there'd be bruises around the nose too, right? Or if he was strangled, there'd be bruising on the neck, not the mouth.
Unless... Someone shoved something down Mr. Sholmes's throat, and then extracted it so as not to implicate themselves.
I am the They who says it!