05-05-2021, 14:17:57 PM
[Momoe hasn't looked so concerned in her life before this. Even the battles against those beasts in the dream world have nothing against this. Because she can at least fight back in that world. She can at least defeat those fuckers. Here? No hope. At this point, she absolutely regrets wanting to be in the "cooking show" this game said it was.]
[. . .She kinda felt bad for not contributing to this earlier, though.] ". . .I'm. . .I'm sorry, guys."
[. . .She kinda felt bad for not contributing to this earlier, though.] ". . .I'm. . .I'm sorry, guys."
silver dollar, black smoke in my eyes
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed
shattered glass, fallen fast, leave me paralysed