03-20-2021, 20:09:25 PM
Ooh, we've got a stonewaller here. I love stonewallers like you. By doing this, you concede your position has no merit, but you're too cowardly to retreat. Also, again, what the fuck, are you saying people with weird sex things are automatically ignorant and awful? Like, everyone else, I'm going to need to get you to confirm this shit. Like, this is not okay. And yeah, I have no problem solving issues with violence, because again, people like you can't EVER name an issue violence doesn't solve. It's not necessarily the BEST solution every time, but it's always a SOL-U-TION. Like, other people, I challenge you, I DEFY you, to come up with a problem which can't be solved with violence. Ranma here's obviously too afraid of being outcompeted to try it, but if your worldview is so much more valid than mine, you'd obviously have some scenario which can't be solved with violence, something sapient life can do that makes it more worth preserving, SOMETHING that invalidates me. But... I don't think you do. I think you're, to coin a phrase "wrong". I don't believe you were deceived maliciously. Just that maybe, maybe, somewhere along the way, you came to weird conclusions which other people also came to. I have reasons for my views, but yours? Yours are, as near as I can tell "my friends have those views, my family has those views, therefore, I must have the same views because that's the way it's always been done." Fucking test your views once in a while! Views are a science, as much as arcana, as much as physics, as much as biology! SO TEST YOUR ASSUMPTIONS! I... WHAT THE FUCK A SECOND OH SHIT FUCK
Kellensea suddenly realizes that there's a second host figure.
You, I don't know if you're that guy's boss or what, but could you authorize me to kill and release me without a trial? Because this one's just been stuck there for like a couple hours actually, and I kind of want confirmation whether or not I can get special conditions for myself. Uhh... also could you like, torture Ranma for a while? In horrific fashion? While I'm asking?
Kellensea suddenly realizes that there's a second host figure.
You, I don't know if you're that guy's boss or what, but could you authorize me to kill and release me without a trial? Because this one's just been stuck there for like a couple hours actually, and I kind of want confirmation whether or not I can get special conditions for myself. Uhh... also could you like, torture Ranma for a while? In horrific fashion? While I'm asking?
I am the They who says it!