03-20-2021, 05:32:58 AM
Ranma just rolled his eyes. Look, someone wants to kill him. Hasn't heard that before in his life multiple times. Such an original concept. "Heh. No offense Kellensea. . . But do you know who I am? I am Ranma Saotome. You think I spent the last fourteen years of my life twiddling my thumbs looking dumb? No. I've put my blood, sweat and tears into training to be the greatest martial artist in the world. Perfecting my Anything Goes Martial Arts. I've faced countless opponents: fellow martial artists, kunoichis, assassins. No matter the foe, no matter their own strengths, I've come out on top. You've made many terrible risky moves this whole time. But thinking you can actually defeat me in a battle. You're sorely mistaken." Ranma said, completely serious. If Kellensea tries to attack him, he'll win in the end. "You keep failing to see your major flaw: Your own pride. You're here actually demanding special treatment if you follow through the host's orders. Even if he does stop the others from attacking you, you're still bound by his rules. You can't kill more than two of us, and you can't leave unless everyone votes wrong. Which, if you openly admit to and perform the murder, everyone will know it's you. And no one will skip a beat in voting you, despite the strange amount of confidence you seem to bare in thinking everyone likes you enough to let you get away with murder. Face it Kellensea. You can't win this. You're as much as a loser as we are."
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.