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Three things you do and don't have in common with the below poster

⬆️ Eh, on #2 I'm not as into them but I did play ~some~ games mostly illegally besides Let's Go, but. Technicality.

⬇️ In common:
  • yehey kababayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn
  • We're both HGS players and edit the wiki pages, though my activity did kinda drop off after jumping ship on TVT, whoops.
  • We both use the (shot) meme fairly often, I guess?

Not in common:
  • You're a self-proclaimed picky eater, I'm more of the type that doesn't particularly mind so long as it tastes good.
  • I don't have many interests in western animation (although I was helluva brony back in the day, strange times).
  • In terms of memes I actually kinda like the serial killer Duo one ngl.
[Image: bb0ecb42111c57f72c68ae22416ffcb828b3ff47.gif]

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RE: Three things you do and don't have in common with the below poster - by Subparman - 01-26-2021, 03:19:05 AM

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