03-10-2021, 22:35:12 PM
Right, I'm just being impatient here, before I'm 100% confident this is what happened. You SEE! I think these gloves were specifically chosen large, the murder weapon being poison specifically selected, the disposal of the syringe in the vents, all that... SPECIFICALLY because of one thing. ME! Yes, yes, I know, "wow kellensea your ego sure is way too large today", but hear me out. I tore through the other gloves because they didn't fit over this many gloves and gauntlets and rings. I also admitted to being in the greenhouse at one point, a couple nights ago. I'm ESTABLISHED for favoring poison AND using the vents. But... I didn't do this. By the way, if the murderer wants, they can privately confess to me now. I won't judge you for what you did. Anyway... The point is, I think this is someone trying to frame me. So, my lead suspects right now, Haruka, Ronnie, Bow. Also maybe Alexis. You four. One of you probably did this, right? Feel free to tell me, I won't tell anyone outright that you did it unless I find real evidence. Again, no judgement, if you're feeling clever about how you pulled it off. Just find me later, alone, we can talk about it.
Kellensea then quietly stands there, awaiting validation or abuse from the others.
Kellensea then quietly stands there, awaiting validation or abuse from the others.
I am the They who says it!