03-07-2021, 06:02:21 AM
". . . Shut the hell up. You don't know anything about me." Ranma growled some, clenching his fists. "Maybe people would listen to you if you weren't an asshole. Yeah, I know I'm an asshole sometimes, but here's the thing: I don't loot people's corpses then put poison in things just to prove some point." He says, walking calmly over to the swirling Kellensea, bending down to look her in her face, or where her face is. "If being like you means being a terrible person, I'd rather be dumb and ignorant. Hell, I'd even stay as a girl if it means not becoming like you." Sure, she wasn't around for that, but Ranma's still saying it because god damn does she piss him off. "But unfortunately for you Kelly, I don't want to see you dead. Even if you are a terrible person, my honor and pride refuses to let anyone else die here before we can escape. Maybe count your blessings instead of being a self-entitled prick to everyone." With that, Ranma began picking up the medicines, most of them, and took them to the balcony
>Yeet all the medicine off the balcony.
>Yeet all the medicine off the balcony.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.