03-07-2021, 05:18:16 AM
"Oh my god. Shut the hell up Kellensea. This whole time you've been going on about how people will kill. Do you get off to this? Is this some kind of game to you? In case you haven't realized, no one's died in the last two nights. Why? Because we're being diligent. We're the ones staying up making sure no one has the idea to kill. What have you done? Poisoned the faucet, beverages and now medicines, and setting up explosives. You're the one saying we're going to kill you and this is self-preservation, but you're the one who's actively trying to kill us. Heck, even then, you're not even killing us yourself. You're using the cheapest and coward's way to kill someone, instead of doing it with your own hands. Because you're too much of a coward to kill someone yourself and risk getting killed, even though if your poisons did kill someone, you'd be the one dead. So on top of being clinically insane, you're also a moron." If you couldn't tell, Ranma was just tired. "So tell us, how does killing someone and getting yourself executed count as "self-preservation?"" He's ready to hogtie her.
You know what they say. All toasters toast toast.